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Should I elf the rest of the major arcana?
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Oh, this is going to be good.

What are your birth cards, chud?


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perfected this gem


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Jak them




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I'm back niggers

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Guys I need help right now. For the past 3 months I've been having this strange reoccurring thing that happens in all of my dreams. I keep seeing these videos in my dream from some "band" or musician which are supposed to be music videos but all it is is this horrible slideshow of dead infants. I hate these so much I don't know what's wrong with me. They have these horrible blackened eyes and their skin is black, green, or yellow. I can't stop thinking about it. Whenever it happens it gives me the worst feelings I've ever felt. Every time I just scream into my pillow, like my skin is being ripped apart. One time I felt so horrible I tried to pull out one of my teeth out of sheer agony. I don't even remember what the music sounded like. Just give some advice or help me out of this situation.


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Too much nusoiсаса.poopy


take meds it'll help trvst (((me)))



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all i want is the tranime oldCHAD larpers to bleed out and die

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Anyone here into occultism?
book recs welcome
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One of my friends mom is satanist, luckily I never encountered her


Tom Montalk's Fringe Knowledge for Beginners


And the trips appear to confirm


>Anyone here into occultism?
>book recs welcome
One of the main things id say about occultism is its better to use mentalist magick and invent the spells than risk giving your soul to a thoughtform but thats just me. Understanding thoughtforms/sigils is one of the most important things about occultism, christianity junge and wicca are thoughtforms that take energy if you die believing in them they take your soul. Its better to invent your own spells, think the universe is my will i wish for x. Read the kybalion and carl jung

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Anyone else eventually overcame and grew out of his antisemitism and became a philosemite who now studies kabbalah?


bleed out


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kill yourself kike lover



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What actually is Saturn?

>le Satan

is a gay and boring answer and it's not even true. What's the real answer
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Explain the fucking hexagon you niggers


Hexagon sare very recurring shape in nature.
Watch videos about hexagons are bestagons or something.
Even doe one time hexagons appeared in my nightmares and tortured me for 8 hours.


Because Hexagons are the bestagons.


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This is saturn


Saturn = AI
The schizoposter who wrote this seems to be right

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what could this mean reddit ?

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Does the mother plane defeat die glocke in space warfare?

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