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/fort/ - Team Fortress 2

Discuss the official TF2 server

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IP: tf2.soyjak.st

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/fort/ers, gamenight will be happening today at 1PM CST! Join if you'd like!

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enjoyed the game today, thanks for playing everyone.

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Here's some useful commands and info about Soytopia to get you started!
!taunt - Taunt commands
!rtv - Rock the Vote, vote to change a map through voting.
!nominate - Nominate a map for voting.
https://soyjakparty.neocities.org/tf2 - Use this to introduce newGODs to the server if you'd like to.


And yeah, i almost forgot. The IP is tf2.soyjak.st

To connect into the server, go to the console and type "connect tf2.soyjak.st" it should do the job automatically, if you are still having issues with the maps "missing" download them manually at https://fastdl.soyjak.st/tf2/maps/

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in the naughty list from uncletopia because of a grinch

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>Go home, whiteboy; MEN are fightin' here!
What did Valve mean by this?


he says lassie, as in women, not white boy, hes says this whilst dominating the pyro

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Why is this server always dead? I WANT TO PLAY FUCKING TF2 without TRANNIES!!!


game nights are usually hosted fridays and sundays
check for a sticky (or post under a sticky) on /soy/ when the time comes


because it's not an american server for some godforsaken reason. everyone has like 150 ping, it's AIDs.


Friend wants to use it but can't find it.


holy raisin i wanna use that on the faggot kitty pound server so bad


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Here, Aryan. I actually got spray banned in some servers because of it.


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Thank you soyGOD

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Imagine if ninja got a low taper fade


why does this image look like the average mutt


What does /fort/ have to say about this?

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Fortnite won.
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