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>Shameless second post award
I am descending into extreme autism-fuelled schizophrenia over this game. I don't know if I have some kind of discernment or just interpret stuff strangely, but I swear this game has encoded biblical / satanic themes and symbology.
<reddit space
We all know this is largely a fetish game, but I guarantee you it goes WAY deeper. First of all, the most obvious example of biblical symbolism in the game is its logo (I think). It depicts three crystals, one blue, one red, one white. This corresponds to the forms of the cave crystals in game, when the facility the game takes place in is at different levels of electricity. I do not think I need to tell you why this is significant, it is clearly eluding to, or rather mocking, the holy trinity. It goes further still with the individual crystals' meanings. Blue is when the lights are brightest. Touching them turns the player into the "kaiju", the game's mascot. Obviously, the kaiju is based off of godzilla, which itself is a metaphor for nuclear war and devastation. Because of this, it is clear that the kaiju represents human evil and depravity, always available even when the lights (spiritual obfuscation) are on. Kaijus are also known to produce smog, which is capable of harming other creatures, a trait which no other creature in-game possesses. The ability of Kaijus to harm everything is meant to elude to the human race's ability to warp and kill anything else it desires. Second is the red crystal, which upon contact will turn the player into the "manic", a red, vaguely demonic-looking creature. The color red closely aligns with flesh imagery, as it is the color of blood and muscle tissue. Furthermore, the name "manic", at least to me, implies impulsivity and biologically-induced insanity. Additionally, it can be obtained during brown-outs, in which the haze of spiritual obfuscation (represented by the lights) are dim and running low, this is because the depravity of the flesh is hidden in a deeper place than the depravity of man, metaphysically speaking. Finally, we have the white crystal, the rarest. Upon contact, it transforms the player into the "Hebi", which bears alarming symbolism. It is shockingly clear that the white crystal, and Hebi itself, represent demonic / satanic forces and depravity. The most obvious piece of evidence is that the Hebi has the head of a snake. I do not need to tell you what this refPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Here's the links to the references, all are from the Kaiju Paradise 'ki
The tab icon for the wiki itself is the "holy trinity" symbol

Kaiju: https://kaiju-paradise-official-wiki.fandom.com/wiki/Kaiju

Manic: https://kaiju-paradise-official-wiki.fandom.com/wiki/Manic

Hebi: https://kaiju-paradise-official-wiki.fandom.com/wiki/Hebi

Brownout / Blackout / Purification: https://kaiju-paradise-official-wiki.fandom.com/wiki/Events#Purification


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bump bump bump




I thought this thread was catty wiped



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how do I get the nigger ghost out my closet


xhe keeps spilling Hennesy on the floor and its fucking annoying


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What SchizoKINGS are

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New toss




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>Moved to >>>/x/5678.

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Is gnosticism really christianity for niggas who cant accept that God hates fags and perverts? For people that cant comprehend that God is not an all loving, all dancing guy in the sky?


No, it's christianity for those who have realized that the god of most denominations will do precisely nothing about faggotry and perversion.


No. It's Christianity for those who focus on the spiritual aspect, and care more for the other planes of existence. The mundane plane of existence, the axis mundi, is effectively a prison, and the demiurge flawed.


Gnosticism has nothing to do with sodomy albeit?

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You might call this a namefag thread and I'd usually agree with you because I despise namefaggotry. However I'm only going to ocassionally namefag on here so I can keep track of my research better.
Hello everyone! I call myself Mengele because some of my experiments will be very similar to the real life Josef Mengele's. On here I will post my experiments and their results.
Here's research I'm planning to collect if possible:
# Troonroach
Gender transition surgery on a male cockroach to enable it to be raped so it can properly pay off it's food, human semen, which is worth billions of humans. This could only be paid off in such suffering.
# Womb war
I will surgically place a plant seed inside a rat's womb and have it grow alongside a rat embryo. I will measure the exact amount of energy the embryo receives per day and make sure the plant receives the same amount in UV light, making the race fair. The fundamental question is how would this fusion of plant and animal affect both life forms and who will win the race and outgrow the others? Will the rat be born before the plant gives it no more space to live?
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I'm genuinely curious about these. You said something about cooperation. I'd gladly try to help you but I have like room temperature IQ.


You can contact me on doublel3331@gmail.com


still a margerald

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if jannycord nishes know that i am CHIVING ALL OF THIS


screen sizes and whatnot are all very slightly different, which means that you can use them to Datamine people


i saved thread as pdf


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Its the middle of the night (about 5am right now, i'm up because I fell asleep early) and theres some random nigger outside shining a flashlight onto random peoples windows including me
What do I do (not bait) I might be schizo and it's a car but I didnt hear anything like that
I also saw flashlight like moving light on one of the other houses
Could it be feds?


Why was this moved


dont worry thats just a glownigger (crackhead with his phone flashlight on) looking for shit to steal just lock your doors


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Most of human history is fake. The holocaust was just jewish/soviet pows starving to death, an it wasn't 11 million deaths. WW2 itself was mostly fake. Imagine believing that the photos of "battles" in WW2 are real. They are all staged just like that Iwo Jima photo or the Soviet flag in Berlin photo. Nukes are fake too. The pyramids of Egypt have been rebuilt several times. 9/11 was planned since atleast the 90s. Obama being president when Osama was killed is not a coincidence, the elites just like to fuck with normalniggers. Greeks being all gay pedos is fake too, it's a myth so that people can accept that being a fag anal sex addict is good.







History is written by the elites.
Why would those kikes tell the truth? They have no reason to.
Rather, lying to the masses would be beneficial to them.

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Are white people really descendants of the Nephilim/Lucifer? Not being edgy or racist, I'm being serious. That would explain why they brought civilization to the rest of the world, who would be content living in nature without the presence of the white devils.


no you pool noodle


No you fucking nigger!

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