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>whats this supposed to mean? whats wrong with this?


nudev better not have locked /x/ again


extremely coal changes i want the old board back


>the only reason /x/ isn't locked is because nuadmin is a russian doomer
kinda zased


keyed and zased

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It is well known that weather can both be dangerous, and controllable via ESP (cloudbusting)
World War 3 is starting soon, and one of the things Taiwan brings up is stuff like breaking the 3 gorges dam
Now, Taiwan wouldn't be able (or willing) to actually try that, but a natural disaster chain would and be more damaging from extra flooding
Also the Dubai storm causing loads of damages to mudslimes
Thus I propose ESP cloudbuster operatives to summon extreme storms like tornadoes with 140 meters/second winds and downbursts of over 140 mile-per-hour sustained winds and high hail/rainflooding capacity. They (including me) will throw these at key locations we dislike (like Tel Aviv) and effectively make them TNDinators


do this and also hit nuclear silos and erupt volcanos (especiially yellowstone even doe its not in asia)


Nuclear silos would be gemmy, the problem with volcanoes doe is one of self preservation
That and yellowstone comes up later but shh spoilers


moonblast, this idea is sylver


enacting it would be simple if you know ESP. Boost your etheric energy with Wim Hof breathing exercises (see the floyd picture is relevant) and send thoughtform currents of the storm damage to targets


Sounds gemmy


Every single internet transmission is compromised. The world goverment was using ai technologies to establish total supervision of all dissidents, radicals and non conformers, which then got leaked into the general public and from its base workings the civilian ai of today was created. Much of the internet is botted to form an illusion that its too big for a single organization to effectively moderate and supress any unwanted actions. DDoS protection services are owned by the world goverment to deny service to users in the most crucial moments when truth is spread or resistance is organized and to keep an eye on particularly dangerous sites, and for DDoS protection providers to pull out of certain sites, opening them to attack from world government to strongarm then off the internet. The battle is, if not lost already, is nearing its end, and the results arent in favor of free speech. We should've started asking questions back in 2000's




The gem that opened the gates and saved the Domain


The Internet has fulfilled its purpose nearly enough. Reclaim your telepathy, Aryan man.

The Wired, as it's called in Serial Experiments Lain, is the Astral of the internet. We share a lucid dream, and we call it soyjak.party.

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just askin

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If anyone has any information regarding the nexpo incident please share. If you don't know, some videos of the youtuber Nexpo surfaced on /x/ of him fucking corpses, kids and a parrot. This was all on a masonic graveyard, so it's highly speculated this was a satanic ritual.
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yea but i was an active af nexpo viewer. I stopped atching those kinds of channel. I saw the cemetery too..that shit was disturbing and scary. I dont remember the details behind the vid tho. Only.that.picture




saged because you sent a 15 minute video nobody is watching that nigger


>faggy horror youtuber is also a satanic necrophile
imagine my surprise
unless you're making it up, but even if you are making it up I still wouldn't be shocked if he was



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you VILL get your data mined
and you VILL gst permabanned for slightest thing ever because im a jannynigger

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I'm tried of eating bugs I wanna treat the bugs nice for being my friends, I want to feed them my big toe. I eat them they eat me, classic case of mutualism
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bugs are filled with organs


my organs




to sneed or not to feed



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beings of /x/ how do I get rid of my dark thoughts and impulses? I don't wanna become rapeson
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sorry chud, they only go away once you indulge them


sorry chud, they only go away once you indulge them



your older cousin needs your cock in her womb chud



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isn't /yyy/ just /x/ for kids




for kids with bigger hearts

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zimblegangers arrive!
hide fast!

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