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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

Do not investigate.

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Have you guys encountered any UFOs and/or have relatives who did?


Sadly not, since I was young I've had a porn addiction, which has lead to my vibration being lower which by extension lessens the chances of these events happening to you.
I can faintly recall seeing something before that would be classified as a UFO years ago but to be quite frank, I can't recall any details.

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Anybody know where to get real skulls for cheap? Need them for ritual purpose.


>ritual purposes


kill friend




local synagogue

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is the "nobody" on the cuck a /x/ retarded larp?


half larp, half shitposts. nobody there believes anything they say

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>he does all these good things
>but he's EVIL though! because.. well, he just is, okay??

What if the "antichrist" is the good guy and you're being psyop'd?


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what if the real antichrist was the friends we made along the way?


Youd think he wouldnt be called antichrist then

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/dsp/ is cursed and its main variant (no i will not post it, for reasons that will become obvious) is cursed as well
doesn't it seem odd to you how its variants appeared days ago, and now they have their own board? seems a little quick, don't you think?
the variant they use is a sigil. it doesn't even look like me. don't engage with their threads, and by god, don't post on that board


Recently i came back to the fold of Christ albeit as non denominational. Im considering conversion to orthodoxy however recently ive been feeling angrier than ever. Is this an effort from the devil to make me turn ignorant once more or something, get me to live a sinful life?


what are you angry at exactly?
anger isnt a postive or negative emotion per say


But wrath is a sin

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he is gone


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he is in certainty


it is

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lurking the 'arty at 4:47 AM when it has 0pph


damn super metroid is so kino


'troid won


jannies move this thread to >>>/sci/ because i love science and it hasn't had a post in a month



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> Froot is being paid by someone to turn a blind eye towards the coal that is poisoning the sharty.



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