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The Serious Boardβ„’ for feedback, suggestions, and jannywhining

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Welcome to /q/, The Serious Boardβ„’ for feedback, suggestions, and jannywhining.
Posts here are read by the staff and may receive responses if necessary.

In addition to this board, staff can also be contacted through #meta on irc.soyak.party and through this contact form: https://soyjak.party/survey/?r=survey/index&sid=526468&lang=en

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Stop moving useless breads to /pol/


Some jannoid is moving bait breads to /pol/ and then deleting them from /s*y/


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delete /leftysoy/ its a forced 'c0rd meme, and replace it with something else

 β„–181371[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

I need a spanking
177 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


least obsessed ja-rtycuck bread






Lets go up



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please add event boards to the top bar they are so unreachable when its like this

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Petition to make Poopin' Revolution the official anthem of /pol/ and have it added to the top of the board as the DDR song is on /sude/.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


kek it's kino









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There have been 3 Turkey Tom breads that have been deleted. Why?

Why are they sweearly present introductionng for Tom?
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


well someone on mod team really likes xim, maybe tom himself slithered his way into janny


of course some janny likes Tom, but who and why.

santa claus says he knows nothing and will ask jannies if they know anything. its been almost 3 weeks and still no answer.


I remember one day i got b& for 15 minutes for making a turkey tom d0x bread like who is protecting this nigga im trans btw


you got on the naughty list for that?
recently i made a tom bread on /snowball fight/ and it was deleted few days later.


of all the people you sweep for you chose tom gogogo

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fix the filters now

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Is there a way to prevent nsfw content from appearing for half a second before nsfw spoiler is loaded?

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what does mall santa and rudolph mean i am newGOD


HOHOHO!in that


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