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File: comf.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.02 MB, 1000x1000) ImgOps


There's no robot.
There's no porn.
There's no faggot garbage.
There's no tranny garbage.


Okay, maybe there's a robot. And there might be some faggot garbage. But I think there's no tranny garbage? Fine, at least there's no porn!

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my gf of 1 year broke up with me on our anniversary


free trial has expired

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Are you getting enough?


that's an overdose on hugging tbqh


dont touch me


im gonna touch you

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Are women really like this?


Why is she so shiny?


but she says she doesnt like that about her? you know she probably has little to NO control about that. youre most likely the same but you never acknowledge it, i respect this person for acknowledging this in the first place.


Xhe is a glowie who lures good boys to commit violetn crimes so FBI can impeach Trump o algo


Xe is oiled up for 🐝🐝🌊

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what should i do?

i don't have anything "going on" for me apart from my looks/fitness/muscles and my intelligence. i only have 3 online friends who i don't talk to much because they're not often available. i am home-schooled so i have no social interactions, and when I have the opportunity to interact, i choose work/hobbies over interactions. i tried to go to a club to socialize but because of high school and college application deadlines i didn't go , though i might once the college applications are done. the only non instantaneous pleasures i get is from feeling better than everyone else(followed by feeling being worse than everyone else sometimes), hugging my pillow (which i fantasize is a romantic partner) and hobbies(like building a robot or learning a language). i can't talk to anyone about this because all the people i know are already tired of me. i feel robotic and barely human. i have no idea who i am despite knowing what i think i want (to be perfect and succeed in everything).

i tried asking chatgpt for advice but it just spat out random bullraisin

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I stopped caring about that kinda stuff eventually, developing a proper world view/philosophy that isn’t just β€œLE NOTHING MATTERS!!” without any further depth (too many people fall into that trap) is very helpful. Personally getting to where I am now involved spending hours at a time staring at a wall considering the jollys of everything. Eventually you can just see through everything to a jolly scale on every conceivable layer, and your understanding behind everything allows it all to make sense, and from there you can have a strong guidance for every decision in life


Just know im a 4/10 femcel (actual femcel, you fucking groids) and id let you rape me. Guess jt isnt rape then, though.


What color is your hair? Can you show me your face? What color are your eyes? Can I see your hair pleasee~?


Poat tummy


Post tummy xd

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does it mean girls like you if they talk back and mock you?

If you are that ugly, why would they even bother wasting time even talking to ugly guys in the first place at all? if they mock you it means you have a slight chance or something?
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take this nas coal off the 'log


Blatantly lying and secretly getting all of them for himself award.


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I don't know.


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kill yourself wojak spammer

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i think i might be gay, I am falling in love with pooners more often these days more often, I wish I had one who I can cuddle and kiss and call xer my little prince or my baby boy. I feel like pooners are just so cute and adorable and better than dyke women or those stupid feminist kamala voters, even doe pooners probably voted for kamala. Should I bite the bullet and go for a pooner or try to stop it?
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File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.72 MB, 799x1200) ImgOps

Fucking pooners isn't gay Rudolf. Especially since half of them dress feminine even after "transitioning"


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xhe is so attractive, my xisa


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TSMT, most pooners I have seen will grow a mall santa mustache and then call themselves men.


OMGSISA…I need a cute pooner gf NOW!




my husbands vagina:

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Do you guys like msi

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I want a black girlfriend and little cute mulatto babies so bad.
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A bushman of the kalihari I see.


good boycels don't want ghetto black girls even doe they have the thickest asses because they have tiny peckers and can't handle allat also those types only like masculine thugs and they have low T


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100% every good boydy on this doo-doo ass site would kill for this.


gift bread


picrel is making me hard for some reason

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