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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

Do not investigate.

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What do you think was the actual purpose of Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex?
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The fact that it resembles german flak towers, and the middle building looks like illuminati logo doesn't help it either, it's still abandoned too.


why did it send twice? Whatever, /x/ has always been glitchy due to (((them))) trying to hide the truth


What makes you think it isn't what it says on wikipedia?




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Hello x, I've recently conducted an experiment in which I replaced one of my copper wires with custom made bronze ones, when I decided to connect them to a wifi router I was able to connect to a wierd wifi network, using which allowed me to acsess some versions of IRL, websites. As I realized later doing this made me connect to the internet of an alternate reality. Here's some screenshots from "The Jilly" aswell as their version of soyelfs. (It's brimmy our timeline is better) Here's some other minor differences, south pole is called 4block, there's no easter, instead of youtube there's like a more bloggy video sharing platform like instagram. Apparently most countries still exist, Jilly's /pol/ is identical to Santa's workshop's, Jilly lacks 'empasses instead they just all namefag.
<reddit space
I'm confidend that (((they))) will try to deboonk this bread and slide it


(by easter I meant xitter)


Cease and Desist.


I tried this with lead and I got something like this but they called it the raisinty


>every copy of soyelf.streety is personalized



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Whenever he's in trouble politically, a hurricane comes along to distract the Americans.

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Sigil creation thread.
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Anyone know how to make a hex sigil?


take a programming class
if you know, you know


Fire and brimstone


Marge I need to be spoonfed


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>How exactly would you MAKE one? Aren't they pre-existing
<take a programming class
<if you know, you know
^Marge I need to be spoonfed

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What's your favorite creepypasta and why
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the eggnog thief of cobson street


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these 3 are pretty good I would say


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A lot of them kind of go in the same direct
>I wuz bullied/diddled/thrown into a volcano/drowned in a puddle
>I HAVE to kill innocent people/haunt a random raisinty game cartridge to make myself feel better

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Hello all. We are a small group of biology enthusiasts seeking to recruit more people for our cause.

Do you love biology and are interested in living creatures?

Do you believe in higher evolution for every species?

Do you know anything about CRISPR engineering? Would you like to?

Do you want to join a community of researchers where you become a man of science?

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'listed to the US military. Thank you for your service


Everyone does this


So by biology you mean manipulating human DNA with treatments you patented(edited DNA is now patented) and a gold plated silicone triple helix FNA strand? Fuck you and your quantam dot micro needle arrays with your bad batches. 95% of people get the good batch while targeted individuals and zip codes get the heart attack or cancer batch


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>man of soyence


..sooo….like what would this entail

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The employees at the grocery store are deliberately making your sale prices and regular prices appear incorrectly. They want to personally steal money from you. They hate you personally. Call them out. Let them know they will not funnel money from you to their satanic rituals. Confront them in public and get in their face and threaten them so they can't make your grocery prices higher to steal money from you. Remember they hate you.


everyone knows when you "get a job" they replace you with a clone and take you to the moon vampire base to rape you and steal your blood


provide a 5 paragraph essay on why they can't do that anyway

they already do it with >80% of American males with the talmudic "second soul" provided by the trauma of doctors raping the baby boy less than 7 days after birth


yes but I'm not american so some places don't actually have that much scroogeish agents in them, there's still a small minority of real people that are steadily being replaced

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The native americans have stories about Bigfoot.


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