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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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Jews simply know more about the fabric of reality and authentic metaphysics than native European belief systems do. They also have the most powerful magic. Sorry, but it's true.

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i need the schizo stonehenge british hyperborea glowie video which is 17 minutes long



go to rule34 and use tags

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Is good always good?

Is evil always evil?



even doe good and evil is subjective

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ITT YOU WILL post how and when you saw a UFO, if you ever did.
I'lls tart first:
When I was 14 (I'm 17 now), I was walking home from triathlon training. The complex I trained in was located next to a tennis court, while waiting to be picked up, I sat down on a bench. This all happened in Kazakhstan (where I reside) - It was noon, summer, the sky had next to no clouds.
I stood up after some time, and started walking around the row of benches, trying to get rid of the soreness in my legs. And then I looked up. I saw a weird, half-disk shaped object high up in the sky. It was either silver or reflective, or teanslucent. Basically almost blending in with the sky. This thing was slowly moving east, and then made an infinity sign maneveuver, and instantly changed direction, quickly launching upwards into the sky and dissapearing from the view.
I still remember this clearly. there weren't many people on the street near me, so I might've been the only who saw it (at least from my position).
Anything like this happened to you?


i once saw at night two large lights dancing around in the sky, and it went on for several minutes


i saw like one light in the sky in the middle of the day standing still while driving to lowes


I live in apartment, at night sometimes I just spend outside in the balcony for the wind but one time at night, I literally saw a black triangle fly through


I saw SpaceX once thoughie

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I keep having two dreams, or very similar ones
I dont know what they mean and want to get rid of them.
No I cant lucid dream.

In the first dream I'm in a large room, the windows are long and thin and offer a beautiful view of a garden. The floor is made of black and white marble tiles alternating like a chessboard.
I'm looking at the ground, but its so reflective I see everything around me, the window, the garden a clock and someone there with me.
He's also wearing a suit, and I know him as my brother, I do not have a brother. He is trying to persuade me (I never remember what) but I have an uneasy feeling. He always makes sense though, as if he reads my thoughts, and I end up agreeing passively.

The second dream is weirder. I'm in a lunchroom sitting at a worn old wooden table, a dining table from a monastery, it is entirely dark except for simmering candlelight. Next to me is a childhood friend, he's uncharacteristically pale and is staring at his own feet, hunched over. There are three plates on the table.
My "brother" from the first dream sits down in front of us, and makes smalltalk about what to eat. My friend barely speaks.
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Since Jesus gives us authority over demons, is that not essentially green light to use magic? King Solomon was a magician.
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He gave specific people power over demons. Some Catholic priests are believed to have it as well, but if you ask for God's blessing then he can say it or speak through you and have authority.


Power over demons?
My brother in Christ.
<skibidi toiler
We have entire industries praising them. The will and pureness is mocked and punished. The lust and weakness is cheered and loved.
<skibidi toiler
They draw seductive imagery that provoces young men and women into cycle of lust.
<skibidi toiler
They produce addictive chemicals that eclipse the rational thought.
<skibidi toiler
They groom young children into taking choices they aren't capable to comprehend and value.
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numbness won


Magic is a science ok?

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What would happen if I were to convert to Juidaism?
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Youd prolly catch a demon or two, thats if the chosenites by BLOOD welcome a shitty fucking goyim into their ranks. Delusion, youd just be the scape goat and the intellectual pincushion at the same time, or something.


They wouldn't give a fuck about you.


truly converting to judaism is impossible
even if you follow every little rule and learn hebrew and yiddish and imitate every little part of jewish culture, they will still see you as goyim cattle


your nose will grow 3 sizes


Noahide Chads stay winning

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geg glowies trolling to prevent revolutions


oy vey!


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>geg glowies trolling to prevent revolutions

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Somebody posted a thread in pol about glowniggers and it was IMMIDIATELY derailed.
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inverted glow


>Somebody posted a thread in pol about glowniggers and it was IMMIDIATELY derailed.


I know her password and everything, just wanna do it anonymously. She cheated on me with her ex and all she has are online friends and I wanna ruin that for her
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>>>3564 (OP)
>You should put a curse on her or something

Drink her period blood and then throw slat in the direction of Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius


Good luck, if i were intelligent enough, i wood have already done this with like all of my ex's that cheated on me. I hope you manage to destroy her marginally more than it appears she has to your heart.


Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it


self inserting as a cat is for faggots


let me do it for you.

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