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>Froot owns you or somethin'


dead board

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The aliens are real and xey took my foreskin


theres no way aliens arent real with how big the universe is

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Satan embodies the untamed wilderness, reigning over the skies and the earth. He is intimately familiar with intrigue, espionage, genocide, violence, and even nuclear war. He holds the keys to secrets, guards the occult, and commands both awe and derision. His essence is chaos.


O9a Word salad


Adhd is not real and was made so that china and big pharma could make money
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Yeah, well when I was like ten I read the pamphlet my mother brought home to explain my 6y/o brother's new "diagnosis", I said "Mum, this is stupid, just treat him normal" and she full on yelled at me about not being "understanding".

Ironically, I was always the one with the violent outbursts and inability to concentrate at school.


My pills have done jack shit, i am still the exact same person even after having them, tysm for enlightening me.


Op here you are welcome all fuck bug pharama and let natural drugs win


same as "autism". both are fake disorders that neurotic parents (usually stupid fuckng women) attribute to their childrens MERITED lack of respect for and refusal to make eye contact with them, and which psychiatrists only deem fit to diagnose white children with for some ((((((((((((((((((((reason)))))))))))))))))))). child psychiatrists ought to be shot and stomped like terrorist dogs for the damage they've caused to western civilization and human progress


trvthnvke. but adhd also serves as a cope for brainrot victims who think that a 3 sentence comment is 'yapping'.

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i took my meds i swear

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>guyssssss i just saw an alien


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>There HAS to be aliens! Religion is fake because there is no proof but THERE HAS TO BE ALIENS! just think about it!


I am an alien.




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>i-it's aliens man! Just like Men in Black and X-Files!
>What do you mean it's a government psyop to distract the masses? You're just a conspiracy theorist chud!


i say this (except i actually saw an alien tho)

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What do I have to take to look like this



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>cursor-controllable drones

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