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File: 1730814435342f.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (3.5 KB, 43x43) ImgOps


This board is for high-quality cut gems only, leave your toddlerslop on /qa/.

File: lenin.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (9.88 KB, 751x707) ImgOps

File: fumanchu.mp4 šŸ“„ļøŽ (14.03 MB, 1280x720) ImgOps


heres my recent OC


File: antilustCHADS.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (359.34 KB, 1280x553) ImgOps

fogot my giftpass award


What the fuck does this mean whats adventure cat


File: 1732028422364d.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (4.43 MB, 1518x2156) ImgOps

File: 1729179809038k.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (577.92 KB, 2000x1000) ImgOps

File: 1731427475797z.jpg šŸ“„ļøŽ (1.13 MB, 3000x3000) ImgOps

File: 1731795692309n.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (631.49 KB, 1438x600) ImgOps


post incomprehesible woahjacks
1 post and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: ClipboardImage.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (386.9 KB, 1357x1771) ImgOps


File: ClipboardImage.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (181.03 KB, 2065x3961) ImgOps

also I have a different version


xitter award


File: new stonetoss.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (1.73 MB, 1520x2256) ImgOps

File: the pledge.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (145.98 KB, 556x572) ImgOps

File: tomorrow.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (618.58 KB, 696x792) ImgOps

File: zaza.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (203.59 KB, 960x602) ImgOps


ms paint gem

File: 1690920319658.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (1.85 MB, 2832x3200) ImgOps


>my dinner came out as trans

File: 75505 - SoyBooru.gif šŸ“„ļøŽ (3.77 MB, 1439x1466) ImgOps



File: Oekaki.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (8.62 KB, 500x500) ImgOps


10 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1730060502175s.gif šŸ“„ļøŽ (2.92 MB, 607x581) ImgOps

>Why are russoids so obsessed over such little country? gogogo literally mindbroken.


File: Oekaki.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (34.69 KB, 500x500) ImgOps



File: Oekaki.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (40.09 KB, 502x500) ImgOps


File: vatnik and hohol.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (179.91 KB, 834x541) ImgOps

why can't we be friends?


File: Oekaki.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (30.5 KB, 500x500) ImgOps

File: 1adfq.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (158.21 KB, 547x385) ImgOps


I thought people were making fun of jannies just for the attention but now I understand…


i dont get this


442oons won btw


Moved to >>>/qa/439542.

File: ClipboardImage.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (330.6 KB, 716x744) ImgOps




Moved to >>>/qa/439384.

File: 1733858426447o.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (631.49 KB, 1438x600) ImgOps


>I'm just like the lawnmower man!

File: 9kmta5.gif šŸ“„ļøŽ (1.48 MB, 801x800) ImgOps


make it so my ID says July instead of august
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File: oldfag dysphoria.png šŸ“„ļøŽ (437.26 KB, 1318x799) ImgOps

do this except make mine say i was a passholder since 2006 so i can finally transition into a real true and honest oldtwoon to btfo the wojack spamming newbad boys ^_^


no arrow


When this site becomes oversaturated and oldfag centric we should make a plugin like this but every time you use it, it installs a virus on your computer




HOHOHO!ed it award

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