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Nuke ukraine

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Why is gook culture obsessed with suicide?
>I looked at a tree in le heccin disrespectful manner and dishonored muh clan and bloodline
>I must ACK to le heccin restore


gooks dying is k i n o

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did this BTFO /leftycuck/?


they're ack1ng in masses




they really do look like that





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yeah, you won


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this is in tel aviv btw


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why do black hebrews in america not ever consider how human races aren't just "white" "black" and "asian"? you are a euro-negro mutt and the only reason you think you're african is because americans didnt care about classifying mixed people, of course you'd mistake browns in egypt to be your kind, you're also a middle ground like them, even then its a stretch

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this is in tel aviv btw

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