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File: rocket_cgi.mp4 📥︎ (8.99 MB, 1920x1080) ImgOps


I found a mistake in the CGI for the recent starship launch.
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>inb4 camera bugging out


Kerbal space program has stopped working


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holy shit you retarded shitskin ESL niggers are more gullible than boomers, it was a latency issue just how like streamed videos get fucked up when the bandwidth runs low. You can literally still see the outline of the fucking rocket


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Trvth, this is grasping at straws by people with the wrong mindset


op is a retarded esl shitskin who dosent know anything about internet or technology

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Faggot Admin left dead board cause xe likes it award
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nuadmin is keyed????


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Didnt understood half you said award


Yep, new admin is definitely a gem


abandoned your bellement post award

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>A well known episode from the Buddha's biography is his miracle at Sravasti. The traditional account states that on this occasion the Buddha was challenged to a contest of magical powers by six rival religious teachers. He accepted, while preventing his monks from assisting lest they become too confident in their own powers prior to enlightenment. The Buddha performed miracles such as flying, shining with rainbow colored light rays and emitting fire and water from his body. In several versions of the biography the bodhisattva Vajrapani is said to have attended the Buddha in an invisible form, and destroyed the place where the rival teachers sat with strong winds. Knowing they couldn't overcome the Buddha's display, the six rival teachers fled and all accounts mention that several killed themselves out of shame by jumping into a river. Given that Buddha didn't stop this, nevermind his omniscient foreknowledge of the situation, this was obviously an acceptable outcome for the purpose of establishing Buddhism's superiority.

Did thhe Buddha know kamehameha?


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Budda is just another evil


even if the buddha was a sorcerer how was he evil?
im not a buddhist i just dont see why buddhism is bad


the way buddhism works is if you see a little girl being raped on the street youre not supposed to stop it because thats their karma and you are not be concerned with the desires or concerns of this world


read the picture. Satan bad gnostigger

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>Tibetan finger wizardry

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Susan B Anthony was a man

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hello /x/…

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Slavic New World Order


Odessan jew/vkraryan bvll spotted

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Is there something behind the f25 key?


It activates TND


I swear to fuck I thought there was an f14 key, but now I only have up to f12. Google says it's real? Anyone have f14/13 keys?


I don't have a dedicated one, but I believe you can still input it using an FN key and another key.

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How do i partake in astral projecting?
I feel like my mind and soul are ready
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Active dreaming is much safer than astral projection IMO. Either that, or develop a clairvoyant "satellite ajna chakra" that you can send elsewhere and into the astral while (you) maintain full presence in the body.
Remember that when you aren't watching yourself, your thoughts are at the wheel. Practice mindfulness, if only to prune useless thoughts in the task manager.


I said this, TSMT


or you could just leave your body forever stupid godtranny


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what the fuck are you even doing here you actual retard



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