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How do i partake in astral projecting?
I feel like my mind and soul are ready


The orgasmic sensation. I highly recommend you anon to jerk off



try to induce sleep paralysis and go from there. if youre in that state you could tap into lucid dreaming then you can go out of body. read robert bruce's book dealing with astral projection.




marge why not


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Demons would love for you to leave your body unattended for a moment. You ever think about which spirit is gonna watch your body while you are gone? i dont research astral projection but i know enough to know that its conceptually a hellish idea never to be tried


i wanna leave my body forever, fuck this place


I assure you hell is worse


just relax, find a free time and try to exit your body. visualise the feelings of moving your limbs without actually moving and trick your body into sleeping while your mind is awake.
for practice google astral projection exercises, for instamce the one where you visualise climbing a cord/rope up


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no. hellish witchcraft


i dont wanna be in my body anyways tthats why i'm astral projecting
ego death so idgaf abt what's considered me


kys christcuck, imagine worshipping some shit god that wants you to lead some boring cuck life being carefagged by him because muh boring afterlife bullshit
I reject it all, I preach 666 because 666 gives me the propeller blades to escape earth
total earth destruction


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>>>3527 (You)
>kys christcuck, imagine worshipping some shit god that wants you to lead some boring cuck life being carefagged by him because muh boring afterlife bullshit
>I reject it all, I preach 666 because 666 gives me the propeller blades to escape earth
>total earth destruction


no free will award


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>free will is good because i can do scat play and cbt with 14 year old trannies


>i love being a cuck to yaldabaoth because im a retarded nigger with 0 awareness of my own fate
I'm a leader not a servant


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holy delusional you are on bald man with glasses website you lead nothing


the demiurge here, my followers are the real aryans lol


keyed YHWH moment


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>>>3537 (You)
>the demiurge here, my followers are the real aryans lol


reject all physicality


Kek future tranny


Free will is simply the ability to make non-deterministic choices.

Degenerate sexuality (i.e. all of it) is as close to matter, i.e. deterministic, as it gets.
Neurochemicals say unga-bunga. The body, being a machine piloted by the carbon computer, unga-bungas. I purport that hypersexuals are hylics or incarnate demons.


Active dreaming is much safer than astral projection IMO. Either that, or develop a clairvoyant "satellite ajna chakra" that you can send elsewhere and into the astral while (you) maintain full presence in the body.
Remember that when you aren't watching yourself, your thoughts are at the wheel. Practice mindfulness, if only to prune useless thoughts in the task manager.


I said this, TSMT


or you could just leave your body forever stupid godtranny


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what the fuck are you even doing here you actual retard



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