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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

Do not investigate.

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Space travel is awesome, why would you deny the existence of quite possibly one of humanities most awesome achivements? There are so many better conspiracy theories out there, some of them are even real (Example : The us millitary does in fact hide anti-gravity technology and other secret technologies from us)
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B-b-but muscle atrophy and breathing in microscopic regolith dust and dying from silicosis is hecking wholesome you stupid chudfuck incel


tsmt xister i transheart space


You just hate white people if you think it was faked. Aryan scientists obviously would be able to do it


if white people think going to some spacerock is a good use of their time than unironically new frootist order



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How do I induce psychosis/schizophrenia? I need an excuse for what I am about to do.
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or simply instead of having to acquire stims, just drink alcohol for a couple of weeks until you achieve delirium tremens

or take 700mg+ of DPH


you can induce mild psychosis/schizophrenia by simply breathing less


Would DXM, Strattera, and Ritalin combined do the trick?


For what it's worth meth and dxm is a pretty stupid combo


True but isn't stupid what we're going for?


should we all be calm instead? is that what the CIA wants to do to us? ALL of us? or just kill each other?

I just dont know anything


they don’t want us to be calm or else we’d have everything handed to us on a silver platter. they’re expecting a revolution and are likely encouraging it. they’ll probably kill us all, or start project bluebeam. is what it is


CIA wants you to NOT fuck your older sister

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why do slavs love skibidi toilet so much?


Skibidi biden


Superior genetics

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I had a dream the other night I was in a dark forest. The trees all looked 2D, but faced me whenever I turned around them, like a doom sprite. I didn’t really do anything except wander around the forest for a few minutes until I saw an old man in a robe. I can’t remember what we talked about, but I remember him trying to give me some sort of advice and me scoffing and denying it. After this he dematerialized, and I kept walking around. A few minutes later, some like screen popped up and it had like a stone-tablet looking textbox. There was a skull with flaming eyeholes above the text, which said “IT IS TOO LATE FOR YOU. YOUR FATE IS SEALED.” And then it went back to the forest and everything turned COMPLETELY pitch black. After a few minutes a wendigo (at least I think, the things with the skull heads yknow and antlers) turned around a bend and sprinted at me. As soon as it came in contact with me the dream ended.

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4:57 a.m

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Have ‘teens successfully astral projected? I’ve only gotten to the vibration stage once or twice before myself with the diamond method from the cuck’s /x/.


yeah i have, saw myself sleeping then went to look at my neighbor’s cats and woke back up


Sounds interesting enough to try doing again, what method did you use?


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multiple times i felt myself physically rise out of my body and once i was actually moving around
only lasted like 5-10 seconds each time doe and i didn't open my eyes, just began moving
each time i woke up it felt like a massive thud back into my body and then opening my eyes


in my experience it never really helped to use a specific method, i just convinced myself it’d happen and thought about where i wanted to go

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Are sports, specifically baseball, a ritual of some kind? It seems like it to me.


niggerball is a loosh harvesting event ala travis scott concert

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i swear i’m losing my goddamn mind. medication is straight up turning me into an emotionally numb robot, but otherwise i’m suicidal.

definitely paranormal that this is happening.


What medication?


stop taking meds


Antidepressants probably

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So I restored my attention span, it got better for a while but now I don't have any complex thoughts again. I do have some basic thoughts, like "what if"s, alternate history, reflexions on my actions and other similar things, but nothing too spectacular. It's like I hit a glass ceiling. Did anybody on this board go through this?
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Send iq test results, faggot


troon iqFag self projection


bro is not skibidi sigma anymore…


samefag albeit


i've accidentally overdosed on this chemical that regenerates dopamine neurons
now i feel hella weird. The ADHD is gone though and I read like 100 wikipedia articles in a row

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