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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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How do I induce psychosis/schizophrenia? I need an excuse for what I am about to do.


meth and le heckin loud noises in dark room


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Stimulant psychosis only works after prolonged insomnia (50 hrs. awake+200mg amphetamine). You get much better results by combining with NMDA antagonists such as PCP (very potent) or ketamine (take with stims).


you want to get your hands on stimulants, amphetamines or ritalin and take high doses daily for quite a while
0.1% of people prescribed medical doses of ritalin (50mg) experience stimulant psychosis
the key is prolonged use, though taking that much stimulants will cause insomnia


or simply instead of having to acquire stims, just drink alcohol for a couple of weeks until you achieve delirium tremens

or take 700mg+ of DPH


you can induce mild psychosis/schizophrenia by simply breathing less


Would DXM, Strattera, and Ritalin combined do the trick?


For what it's worth meth and dxm is a pretty stupid combo


True but isn't stupid what we're going for?

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