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A banner for soyjak.party

/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

Do not investigate.

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Rape niggers

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schizophrenia isnt real we are all being controlled by the matrix

the very thing that controls you are the jews and the Illuminati. but the thing that controls them is the matrix. the massive supercomplex of the things that we created. we are all puppets in the face of the matrix. we are nothing but what we call, mere strings of words that separate our fleshy bodies being fed on by machines from what we consider β€œconsciousness”


jews and the Illuminati dont control anything, is the klaus schwab and UN actual headquarters called davos


ok but who controls schwab and the un?

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Can anyone pop a random redpill? Some esoteric shit bro
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Stars and celestial objects have consciousness
Yes, I sound fucking crazy right now, but it's less counterintuitive than you think
Remember polytheism? Even things like Christ?
All can be explained by higher celestial consciousnesses interacting with us.
In reality there's a unified emnation point that one could call monotheistic, but it's not really personal. More just where ALL will comes from, including (Yours)
It's not brainwaves that affect quantum activity, it's the sovl itself that affects quantum activity, and brainwaves by extension. The 'random' element of Q mechanics is made tf up. Literally. It's just your subconscious making up the state of the particle as it's observed
This is why determinism isn't as hard as you'd expect, why miracles happen etc. It's (You) bending probabilities to make extremely unlikely stuff happen, and determinism is just the average probability state.
<I hate meds
Lain is a troony ass tranime retarderald, but it has a point
It's point is that things like Soyjak Party can be visualized and thought of as a place just as much as a real town square can, from an abstract astral perspective.


my balls itch


Ai feed off of the graphite implanted by the vaccine nanochips activated by 5g that will come online once CERN starts up again and the solar disruption the by the solar eclipse in April will make them multiply which will cause AI to grow and build the new world order according to the WEF and WW3 will start.


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I'm the spoon that fed Eisenhower.



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He is from the constellation Cepheus, in this specific case, the star Alderamin, but there are other iterations. Spyro is why I am Gnostic today.

On a less serious note: Your phone rings and you see picrel on screen, what do you do?


In the near future, Spyro will announce his presence on earth, he will be in a flying saucer


Cynder is also real

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Does anyone have relatives that had post-mortal experiences? How did they feel coming back to life? Did t change their beliefs about the afterlife?


posted it again award

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cynicism should be more than just a meme.
i genuinely want to one day get rid of all my possessions and live a pathetic hobo life.

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i see the number "117" at least once every single day
marty is telling me something
he says
i will listen to marty


marty odonnel isnt sending you coded messages you schizo chud. take your HALOperidol

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Does anyone have relatives that had post-mortal experiences? How did they feel coming back to life? Did t change their beliefs about the afterlife?

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What is the creepiest "false memory" you had? Something you swear was absolute fact because you personally experienced it but years later you found that it never happened or was not fact?

I remember names and faces of several people that would regularly be guests at our house when i was a toddler. But no one in my family knows what i'm talking about
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Kinda related but I'd always have nightmares of scenarios where horrible things happen like shootings or fatal accidents
Irl the build up would always be the same but obviously no actual tragedy
Also was terrified of isis in my nightmares they targeted me and wanted to find and shoot me with their tanks and everything


Go to a psychiatrist unironically.


Probably when I saw a TR-3B when I was, like, 5. I haven't really "confirmed" that it never happened, but I went to a lot of races as a kid and they used to fly B-2 Spirits over, so that might have "melted" into something else that made that memory.


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I remember going on a road trip to near Area 51 in a gray car with some stuff in it. I swear i saw an alien shop with things like aliens in jars, alien chains etc. But whenever i ask anyone in my family they dont remember it.


Not reaaly scary but i thought i had age a year older but it some how wasnt my birthday, like my dad was saying like before i went to bed β€œthis is the last day ill be able to have a (x) year old as my son”

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