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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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The vibe is off
Something big is coming



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the only thing mosquitos might inject is saliva


>As the mosquito is feeding, it injects saliva into your skin. Your body reacts to the saliva resulting in a bump and itching.


retards. they don't inject anything besides spit


someone archive this gem thread


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>someone archive this gem thread

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Did anyone notice a timeline shift yesterday or today?
Picture IS related I swear, Nordic runes can depict the various directions of a nonlinear timeline.
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take like a simple one like that Y one
Y - timeline split in 2, fork in road
from that perspective, runes are just like le heckin modern simplistic minimal icons from the fuggign apple California design windows 10 or something


no i didnt notice that, but i did notice that my thoughts are increasingly affecting the real world.
for example, i was thinking about jews and how much i hate them, when suddenly i heard the hava nagila song coming out of my mom's bedroom


I think the timeline shifted to a horrible one after we killed harambe. He must’ve been god and got angry and punished us


its called main character syndrome, it happens to me too
everything i watch suddenly blows up after i watch it. im not saying i directly caused these changes but it is weird
for example, the amazing digital circus suddenly just blew up after i had watched it, it only had around 10k views when i first saw it


Every time I change something about myself a significant world event changes.

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How do I make datura tea
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i think with seeds and putting the seeds in a tea bag but it's not a good idea. never done it doesn't seem to interest me but i've seen online that people are delusional for days


What do you think about the fact that datura has been invented by the health industry to make you half believe you are hallucinating and half believe you are witnessing the truth, rendering you so mentally uncertain you dive deeper and deeper until you are now a recluse deep in the mountains that feeds off datura leaves because it is all you've known and will ever know?


2 pairs of half believe half truth
2 pairs of deeper and deeper
2 pairs of known and will know

2+2+2 = 6

three pairs three digits

you are a fucking shadow government spy


Homo samefagius


Been trying to find a recipe online since I have plants growing nearby, only saw mentions of it on r/datura (I only use reddit for drug advice), and even there nobody told me how to make it. SAD!


Fortean Manifestation

As is known, in quantum physics, the observer collapses the wavefunction, and so forth.
I posit that the observer (which on a macroscopic level, would be you) collapses the wavefunction using emotions combined with a mental image (though not necessarily just visual).

In the case of scary paranormal phenomena that only seem to spiral out of control, this is due to a feedback loop forming where the entities created or entities which tag along to the created thoughtform. These entities then do things to create the very emotion which caused them. This also applies to other emotions. This is both due to (You) resonating with those emotions, and thus entering into a reality where they are at are higher amplitude, and also due to thoughtforms which you and those around you have wrought (likely unbeknownst to you) from those emotions.

For the sake of explaining Fortean Manifestation, as I call it, I will write a short scenario.

In a rural location, there is a furry, whose fursona is a protogen. His belief or non-belief in the reality of the thoughtform he calls his β€œfursona” is not defined in this scenario, however, I estimate that the furry believing would be an initialization catalyst for the phenomena. He is in his fursuit, and meandering through the woods in said rural location. Because everyone there is not terminally online, they do not know what in the kenoma a protogen is, so they think an alien has landed. The presence of the β€œalien” makes the news. A prankster with quite a bit of robotics expertise decides to build a protogen android. The android wanders about the village and is programmed to act suspiciously. News coverage and hype of this supposed alien increases. Villagers report seeing the protogen(s), even when neither the android nor the furry are present. Some of them are simply paranoid, but soon… A spaceship is seen in the sky. Protogens step out of the ship and act, exactly as expected (unless the projected protogen thoughtform was hijacked by a different alien group). At least for that town, protogens have become real, due to mass belief in them.
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Another possibility is that quantum fluctuations, the method where vacuum can be split into matter and antimatter, is somehow influenced by our brainwaves. But this is a very complicated and entirely different topic. You should also research Boltzmann's Brain, it's extremely fascinating.






Could this mean we can make the Woaahjacks real if we really beelieeved?


Sure, why not

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clean it up janny
Full Name: Sisto Remigio Marrone
Full Address: Via Carlo Armellini, 26, 20161 Milano MI, Italy
Phone Number: +49 03477517019
IP Address:
Email: froot@xxxnoscopemlgxxx.com
Former School: IIS Vilfredo Federico Pareto
Occupation: Unemployed, dont know where the fuck he gets his money to run an imageboard but probably through crypto scams
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>clean it up janny
>Full Name: Sisto Remigio Marrone
>Full Address: Via Carlo Armellini, 26, 20161 Milano MI, Italy
>Phone Number: +49 03477517019
>IP Address:
>Email: froot@xxxnoscopemlgxxx.com
>Former School: IIS Vilfredo Federico Pareto
>Occupation: Unemployed, dont know where the fuck he gets his money to run an imageboard but probably through crypto scams


You are the jartycuck





viva lasagna

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Remaking this thread here, previously posted on /soy/ and the shemmy's /x/

>>>for ASD, ADD, ADHD, OCD or similar

Mainly about body awareness and/or attentional work.
>Trying to force things is often a key problem, as is narrowing your attention on a part of you in an attempt to retain control rather than leaving it open and letting spontaneous responses arise. Recommended reading:
Read this first (good short introductory read, from a man who cured his OCD): http://www.learningmethods.com/confessions-of-a-do-er.htm
How You Stand, How You Move, How You Live by Missy Vineyard: https://annas-archive.org/md5/00bd13990c9f67364335f9193e9b04ae
Zen Body-Being by Peter Ralston: https://annas-archive.org/md5/c90b5da9f16420b6492365f3a7fee2cc
The Michael Chekhov Handbook - For The Actor (Chapter 4): https://annas-archive.org/md5/f5887ed59349e34a90751b3c90bc70a7
What is Zen by Alan Watts: https://annas-archive.org/md5/63078605dd065480ffbedce021cd9792
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Captain Coal never made a board called /cunny/. This was only stated after KΓΌΕΎ had taken over and the fbi had started running things. The real board he added along /plier/ was /TRUTH/ and contained various conspiratorial truths such as the Epstein flight list and the location of Adolf Hitler's suspended soul kept alive for continous torture, located somewhere on the East Coast of Cannibal Island. "Captain Coal" has since been swiftly dealt with and his legacy idled.


captain coal was just pedo

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>Electronic Universe Theory
>Impenetrable Firmament
>Flat Earth
>Prison Planet


Doesn't know how to quote award.


I was tired dough

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My dear Wormwood,

I take note of your correspondence to me relaying the emergence of this new Hazbin Hotel series. To satisfy my inner pedant, you are right that there are certain advantages to this development, but it will not – as you put it – "Ingratiate sin to the humans." You ought to temper your naive jubilation with the adjacent recognition that there are pitfalls here alongside the opportunities of distraction and confusion.

I was, in fact, able to obtain a copy of the pertinent media via Intelligence. Weathering such an odious distraction is no doubt something you must train yourself to do if you wish for success as a tempter (and you would take heed of that). Diligence in assessing opportunities is how one may find the inroads, flaws, fulcrums for exploitation against them.

The depiction of Our Father Below as some form of ringleader is purely hilarious, but not for the same reason it's "funny" to the humans. Ordinarily, He would be offended if something like this came from The Enemy, but the origin among the feces-filled sacks of flesh that call themselves human renders it harmless – worse that harmless, something to take no heed of at all. Even so, it may still be *useful*, in that it involves a sort of recontextualization or semantic camouflage for Us. Of course, by equating Our Father with a harmless character of vulgar fun, we confuse and distract; even further: the difference in context is important. By taking Us out of the realm of a serious threat and translocating us to that of entertainment and distraction, they become inclined to think of us as trivial and nonthreatening. Hence, their guard is down. This is indeed very useful for our ends.


Of further significance, the notion that Our Father would have a "daughter" is something that would be ridiculous of not for the pure heresy of it. I should not have to remind you that our Aim is a universe where He has drawn all others into him. The blundering act of producing a future enemy for oneself is completely incompatible with the purposes of He who chose to live in fierce independence from The Enemy.

This notwithstanding, I trust that it will be beneficial to explore the psychology of this Charlie character, especially as it relates to that of the audience. Consider her attempts at sycophancy with this "Adam" character (if we momentarily ignore the kabbalistic nonsense). One would expect that the "offspring of Lucifer herself" would command a more masterful and keen endowment of the art of manipulation. Any intelligent being, when viewing the discrepancy, realizes that the virtues demonstrated by this "Charlie" are entirely farcical. (As we know them to be, but remember that the humans will face confusion in this area.)

In the context of an incorrect human understanding of the concepts, we may state: "Any being formed of such a fiendish union between Pride and disobedience will be bereft of virtue." As you know the truth, this might be accurately rephrased that those possessing the true noble virtues of independence do not entertain self-enslaving and pathetic weaknesses of altruism.


Accordingly, the virtue act this "Charlie" puts in is both a defiant appropriation of self-worth and a mockery of Heaven. It also serves to "turn the tables" and set up an independent value system whereby the virtues of heaven are eroded at their foundations (this is a particularly useful area of study for Us.) It's a pridefully vain statement that "My self-worth can weather the fires of Hell," alongside a simultaneous mockery of her infernal inmates. Charlie, being born of Lucifer (The human-fashioned character; not to be confused with Our Father) and Lilith is condemned by her paucity of virtue to never touch Heaven, but the act of imitating such virtues allows their appropriation.

We may consider the relation of such imitated virtues to the audience. The United States, that craven bastion of Sin, wealthy above all other nations, is where this particular distraction was made and where its target audience lies. But just a short while ago – within the distant childhood memories of the audience – it was a bit more wealthy and slightly less depraved. As you know, the exchange of virtue for sin operates in like manner to the exchange of potential for kinetic energy. It is easy, spontaneous, often consequence-free at first, and leads Down. The humans in the audience are alike to Charlie, in that they have little intrinsic virtue, but imitate it nonetheless. Further (and take note of this) they truly believe that their imitated virtues are the real ones! This opposes true piety, then, as something foreign and often noxious, always inaccessible and out of reach ( to our benefit), leaving their hearts to bend under typhoons of fleeting desire.


This is what must be sustained and exploited, and "Hazbin Hotel", with its critique of The Enemy as something opprobrious and suffocating, will resonate excellently with this aim. Even so, you would do well to anticipate the hazard that these topics are going to genuinely make some of them think about heaven and hell, and from there, salvation, pulling them away from distractions for a moment. Know that The Enemy will instantly seize on that! In a moment, such thoughts could undo years of painstaking labor.

Encourage them to watch Hazbin Hotel, encourage their thoughts of redemption as something that belongs in a cartoon, but don't let them think about it afterwards. It's quiet nights, alone and pondering salvation, that we wish to avoid.

Your affectionate uncle,


I wonder how the actual Stolas would feel being portrayed as a Gay, Whiny, British owlman.



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