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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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I am being haunted by numbers

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flying niggers are real proof



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I have attained a degree of Gnosis, and through the logical processes imparted thereof, arrived at a similar conclusion to the old Gnostics, though in my own way, and with the information we have now.

The foundation I have built upon, is that of PKD and Tom Montalk's forms of Gnosticism.

This, as well as my own intellectual journey and paranormal experiences, has led to a conclusion that will no doubt be controversial to some.

Consider these:
1: We are in some sort of inferior realm; it has a connection to the north polar vortex on Saturn. (cf. David Icke)
2: Confinement to this fallen realm is done via the Samsara, a loop of reincarnation into the Matrix Control System sectors of Earth. (cf. Prison Planet)
3: Samsara is facilitated by the material cycle of entropic decay of lifeforms, and biological reinstatement thereof, albeit often with a slightly different template.
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>samsara is le bad
only if you have to live like a domesticated cattle like 90% of humanity today, our ancestors drank blood and raped and killed each other and they were still happier than us by a wide margin, stone age fauna tribes are literally among the happiest people on earth, western morals are poison


>raped and killed each other

You act like this is a goodβ„’ thingβ„’?

What archontic poison has your mind consumed?


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More evidence of e621 saturn cube theory.


An anthropologist asked an African hunter gatherer what good and evil were, he said that good is when you steal the other guy's cow and evil is when yours gets stolen. I suppose this is the truth that Nietzsche and most cavemen believed in.


I don't think savages are in any way suitable arbiters of good and evil.

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Ermmmm soybros what is this? I thought the pedo moloch crap was just a joke?


It is a MEME now shut up citizen


Have you even seen Eyes Wide Shut?


stop asking questions

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the cia niggers glow in the dark.
you can see them if your driving
you just run them over
fucking cia niggers

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schizophrenia is one of the fundamental building blocks of dark matter and is within all material and all life, it's 'simply' the ability to hold multiple states at once in the mind; the jews practice gematria or numerical values as their schizophrenic reinforcement
the entire world 'is' schizophrenic, just as they are psychopathic and empathic each in varying degrees, the abrahamic cults sought to separate them but they are even within the sciences
psychopathy: physics
empathy: biology
schizophrenia: chemistry
and you can 'see' the foundation of the sciences and where they come from islam is predominately schizophrenic and they are the ones who practically mastered alchemy/chemistry and jewish physicists like albert and then there will be Euro biologists that excelled
they are within all life and are the three fundamental building blocks of dark matter
>the entire world IS schizophrenic
organized religion; specifically abrahamic is absolutely schizophrenic; you have multiple people acting on the same script like a single schizophrenic entity
schizophrenia is demonized as is psychosis, both are natural


Somebody get soyberg on this schizo



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 β„–2460[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

Let your heart be bright!
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How do I develop schizophrenia so I can hallucinate a girlfriend, have a more interesting life, and become a divine intellectual?
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whatever dont care god exists because it's obvious that god created everything


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>What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evi- HURK HURK AAAACKK!


actual NPC LOL
normies are subhuman


modjohnsons are so retarded. we arent nearly as big as 4chan. why are they splitting the posts into 20 different boards it just kills the pph


Wouldn't just using magic to get a girlfriend be better? (Idk how but if someone does post)

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"Satan" is just God wearing a different hat.


Schizo babble

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