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Anyone here into occultism?
book recs welcome


I am. I assume you aren't too deeply involved yet. Easily, the best primer for western occultism is probably Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa's three books of occult philosophy, they cover a wide range of topics, and has a solid amount of references to other works worth looking at. Agrippa lived long before the Theosophists, so he was free from their retarded influence.
A more general book that you'll hear a lot about is The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall. It's not terrible, and it has detailed diagrams and art, but Hall tends to go beyond the bounds of his knowledge. It's also written from very Masonic perspective, and it's heavily influenced by Theosophy.

Right now, I've been reading a lot of Greek and Hellenistic metaphysics. Platonism/Neoplatonism mainly. The Natural History by Pliny the Elder, the Enneads by Plontinus.
Adjacent to occultism, I've also been enjoying a lot of poetry, particularly the works of William Blake, John Donne, John Milton, and the poetic works of Aliester Crowley.

Theres plenty of recommendations; Occultism is so wide a field it's difficult to figure what the other people are talking about sometimes.


Thank you for your response Iā€™m Gonna try and find that first book on the web or at a library near me





One of my friends mom is satanist, luckily I never encountered her


Tom Montalk's Fringe Knowledge for Beginners


And the trips appear to confirm


>Anyone here into occultism?
>book recs welcome
One of the main things id say about occultism is its better to use mentalist magick and invent the spells than risk giving your soul to a thoughtform but thats just me. Understanding thoughtforms/sigils is one of the most important things about occultism, christianity junge and wicca are thoughtforms that take energy if you die believing in them they take your soul. Its better to invent your own spells, think the universe is my will i wish for x. Read the kybalion and carl jung

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