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/fit/ - Health, Fitness and IRL

Lift, diet, and looksmax here.

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Weighted dip


squat, its pure struggle, showing you showing your true strength


This, overhead press will always be the gemmiest lift of all time


doing squats will guarantee you a spot in hyperborea, except you'll be in a wheel chair


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any form of dips

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or become a police officer, then you can shoot niggers as part of your job.


this is why i lift

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I hate when you consume a lot of caffeine and then your asshole hurts from all the contractions it does ( cause of the caffeine)


Never happened to anyone ever


Always happens to everyone ever

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froot just delete this dead nigger of a board already and add /sci/

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rotten raisinskin foetus of a board. im supersageing the whole board

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gotta say this is a subject so stupid that you'll go laughing to the grave. anyway, i had this autogynephilia-homosexuality problem (prolly cause of the soybooru/soyjak.party,insecurity,porn addiction,envyness,self hatred and that one tall chinese almost muscular guy in my class) how do i stop this


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I tried using sunscreen (spf 50) but it makes me look like a clown. The sunscreen wasn't particularly expensive or high quality. Will the same same problem occur if I get a better one?
(posting this here because there were because it's self improoooovment)
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marge explain melanoma


Skin cancer


That's because the ozone layer is thinner than it is before


Are you a brown woman? If so, you VVILL have sex with me


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what was the reason he went bald doe


Hes gonna become a skinhead, next step is working out


Third step is getting aryan tattoos


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brown nipples = raisinallian


brown nipples = aryan


I'm a beaner though


Do you pump your nipples for milk or is it natural



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are my biceps big?
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yeah too bad I am ugly


don't worry sis i won't judge you


bigger than most normies


looking good bb


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>Moortugal has 95 IQ
>This is somehow an own

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