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Within a month I went from doing 40kg on leg extension to 100kg

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is bein underweight gemmy? my bmi is 17
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Aryan BVLL


15.8 BMI here
even if I eat much I'll just raisin it all out. and that's LE GOOD


it’s time to BVLK


>my bmi is 17
You're obese


How does it feel to be a disgusting fucking fatty. Do your jelly rolls jiggle when you try to run? Ugh.

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What are some vitamin supplements that should be taken?


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Vitamin D cause i bet no one here goes outside


This might sound stupid but is that something you can find in grocery stores? or do you need to get it from a drug store?


Yea you can just buy them at any supermarket or corner pharmacy. At least that’s how it is for the US, idk about anywhere else. They can be quite expensive as well.


Vitamin P


trvke unfortunately

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how do you escape wristceldom


workout forearms and have good genes. Also, guy on right is a massive 'roid junkie so it doesn't matter.


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Bad wrists make your arms look bigger my nigger

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I unfortunately look more like the two twigs on the right rather than rapeson, how can I look more like rapeson? ignoring the propaganda within the meme itself


Simply workout and eat more. Make sure you hit your nutrient goals as well. It will take a long time (unless you have really good genes or use 'roids which I DO NOT RECOMMEND).
Side note, the "propaganda" in this picture is 100% factual.



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if you could only use one equipment forever which would it be
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I always do incline dumbbell presses


>only 2 votes for bench
maybe I over estimated how many people liked inclines/declines. Decline pushups will always be one of my favorites


You can do literally any workout with dumbells but the lack of a bench does inhibit you as you can't do any more bench presses or certain back workouts


you can train literally every muscle with only dumbells up to a certain point


Both are really good, but you can do so much with just dumbells, compared to bench press

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Is oatmeal good for you?


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It's one of the healthier foods, it's rich in fiber as well as vitamin b and e

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You're just a bitch.


you are brown LOL


I'm sorry daddy.

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>been training for a year, shit gains
>followed all the meme advice, slow reps, fast reps, big weights, small weights - nothing
>see some retarded roided gymbro on youtube
>”Duuude you need to like LIFT UNTIL FAILURE bro or it’s like pointless”
>give it a try
>extreme muscle soreness the next day
>a month later I made more gains than an entire year

Why the hell does nobody ever talk about this?
I have never seen the importance of failure mentioned anywhere, depsite reading and watching dozens of articles and videos and lurking /fit/


Good copypasta THOUGH doing 2-3 sets till failure in 2-8 reps range has been shown to be ideal.


I just follow Mike Mentzer's advice nigga. Got crazy gains.

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