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/fit/ - Health, Fitness and IRL

Lift, diet, and looksmax here.

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not a /fit/ board without a fat people hate general
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so you make a thread making fun of ALL fat people? most people know when they are unhealthy and need to change the type of person your talking about is annoying and the small minority


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I didn't make this thread


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picrel 2 gem

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ego lifting is the way to go


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>ego lifting and doing it until total failure in 1-2 sets

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Happy birthday Sonny Gray!


moved to dead board award

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i like vidya games and browsing the internet more than watching tv because when i do those things eating isnt on my mind at all.


TSMT. Vidya is the best thing if you wanna distract yourself from eating

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First time being an Aryan?

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should i lose weight or is it fine
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it is fine


Gain weight


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you're perfect ou algo



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anyone else do HIT training


High intensity low volume>low intensity high volume


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tsmt mentzer won


Normie lifters overestimate the importance of your training split. Even for advanced lifters it doesn't make big enough of a difference to justify the currrent obsession over "what's your split bro? a24". Fitness influencers make a living scamming those who obsess over the optimal split. Stop it.

As long as you train hard, rest well, eat enough and make progress you are doing better than 95% of gym goers.

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How to maximize/speed up facial hair growth?
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Why would you want facial hair?


Minoxidil, derma stamps and presses, strawberry mint growth oil, and finasteride. Make sure you're ready for facial because young men with facial hair look strange


have high test you sissy.


if you are under the age of 18 start smoking cigarettes and if you allredy do that then take amphetamines. Drug use will make you age faster and its how at 16 i got a beard big egnough to never get id when i bougth beer


Smoke crack nigga

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is a one arm push up worth training for or is it just a party trick that isn't really optimal?


I would suggest trying to do pushups with your penis, now THAT'S a party trick!


Optimal for what? If you mean for hypertrophy probably not unless you have no equipment


yeah bro variations are always good for progressive overload.


I feel as if one arm push ups are just a test of balance rather than a good workout. I stopped doing push ups when they stopped building strength and started building endurance instead.


I cant go to the gym so now I am doing diamond push ups and decline ones to make it harder
I will buy a backpack and put some books to add weight to normal push ups

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