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File: asdfghj.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (8.81 MB, 3992x2806) ImgOps


Shoulder press
Tricep pushdown
Chest press
Barbell preacher curls
Pec deck
Dips (weighted)
anything i should add / change?
also post your routines
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How many sets and reps of each?


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machines are for faggots


Machines are bad even doe they are better for hypetrophy.
I don't use them doe strength and stability is more important.


3x10 till failure


make it 4x12

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Should I unironically make a looksmax.org account?


You mean unjokly



They won't approve your account unless you write a 5 paragraph essayu


no out of spite of gengar banning me for no reason, also there are unironic pedophiles on .org who post 'p generals


should clarify there is no unironic pedophile, if you joke about 'p or raping kids you're a pedo

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How do i stop farting while doing pushups? Farting is generally an issue whenever i workout.


Of course it was the guy who puts the word nigger in between his filenames


Why is that a problem for you?


It's extremely racist. You should know better than that, bigot. This site is inclusive.


falseflagging kike kys

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WARNING: This is an entertainment supplement not meant to be consumed by human beings.

First and foremost let me tell you, you must rinse your mouth with warm salt water (should be very salty) after drinking this raisin otherwise your teeth will fall out.

Mix this raisin up in the morning… Drink a good bit in the morning, most of it intra-workout (mixed with Gatorade and Aminolast), and a little bit in the afternoon.

* 1.5 liters water

* 1 large handful powdered beet (as much as you can before it turns into beet slurpee, maybe two tablespoons? The more the better honestly)

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Why do steroids when you can just smoke crack to get stronger?




even though you can just eat spinach


Just eat raw liver


define raisin for me

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your challenge is to pushup 25 times, if you dont do it you are a gay faggot


You mean do 25 pushups

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 β„–668[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

>go to gym goyim
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File: jews blacked.png πŸ“₯︎ (319.43 KB, 588x639) ImgOps

This is unrionically the back story of the jew who went on to make blacked. but replace getting bullied by blacks with skinheads.







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Nigga I'm chewing simple unflavored regular ass gum for like almost 7 hours. And my jaw is hurting. What should i do?


you will look like a giga


yes this will give you gigachad jawline. drink lots of water and eat protein to maximize jaw gainz

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There no flaws in this routine
>icy water
>eggs, onions, bacon
>beef/ pork/ fat fish
>potatoes/ brown rice
>beans, schrooms, spinach (cooked sauce)
>tomatoes, cottage cheese, sour cream (cold sauce)
>pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, olives (lactobacilli)
>moldy cheese, liver, semen (sparingly, weekends)
>snack carrots/ fruits/ jello (30 min before workouts)
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File: 83902 - SoyBooru.png πŸ“₯︎ (14.49 KB, 576x490) ImgOps

>There no flaws in this routine
>>icy water
>>eggs, onions, bacon
>>beef/ pork/ fat fish
>>potatoes/ brown rice
>>beans, schrooms, spinach (cooked sauce)
>>tomatoes, cottage cheese, sour cream (cold sauce)
>>pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, olives (lactobacilli)
>>moldy cheese, liver, semen (sparingly, weekends)
>>snack carrots/ fruits/ jello (30 min before workouts)
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>ad eminem attacks instead of valid critiques
yup, i won.

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How do i unjokly get a build like shrek? I want to know, i am not joking. I want to look like shrek.
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you will never be green


you must become an ogre



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I go to a male only gym. Is it W or L chat?
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They all look like this


Nigga I have low self esteem


Hitler did the wrong thing, he should have fucking annihilated italians.

Kill Italians. Behead Italians. Roundhouse kick an Italian into the concrete. Slam dunk a italians baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy italians. Defecate in an italian overpriced restaurant's food. Launch italians into the sun. Stir fry italians in a wok. Toss italians into active volcanoes. Urinate into an italian's gas tank. Judo throw italians into a wood chipper. Twist italian heads off. Report italians to the IRS. Karate chop italians in half. Curb stomp pregnant italians. Trap italians in quicksand. Crush italians in the trash compactor. Liquefy italians in a vat of acid. Eat italians. Dissect italians. Exterminate italians in the foibes. Stomp italian skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate italians in the oven. Lobotomize italians. Mandatory abortions for italians. Grind italian fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown italians in fried chicken grease. Vaporize italians with a ray gun. Kick old italians down the stairs. Feed italians to alligators. Slice italians with a katana.


That is peak, you shouldn't be afraid of them then.



>can't get accused of being a creep for looking in her general direction for half a second and then get kicked out without any proof

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