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/fit/ - Health, Fitness and IRL

Lift, diet, and looksmax here.

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>tfw you see a goy on a run and you hack into his abdomen via bluetooth and activate an agonizing side stich so that he can't train to be strong enough to fight God's chosen people



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how do i fix my retarded brain? i spend most of my free time on the internet, the only time when i am not on my phone or computer is when i go to gym or go to school but i havent been to the gym for like a week now and im suffering from heavy brain rot.


go outside 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


>i spend most of my free time on the internet
that’s probably the issue. get a third activity other than school/gym, like a hobby or extracurricular.

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How to increase penis length? Currently i am at 15 centimeter penis
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Doesn't sound like something healthy, are you sure it doesn't break your penis?


My fuck is 23 centimeters in length.


I mean enis


Mobile fail 🥲


Are willing to be a transplant donor?

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Froot just delete this 1 PPD dead nigger of a board already and replace it with /sci/


Now that Trump won I have the sudden urge to get swollen


get stung by a bee or something

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Sam Sulek appreciation thread
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Marge, who is this guy?


TikToker gigachad I think


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I don’t use TikTok


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>Its pretty weird you're trying to paint it as if sam is dedicating his life to glorifying steroids and "corrupting the youth"
Even doe that is LITERALLY what he is doing right now.
He's pretty much dedicating his life to filming and publishing his fitness journey (eating freakish amounts of foods, uploading videos everyday) you never see him with his friends or god forbid a girlfriend (geg). Just lifting alone, using outrageous amounts of drugs, destroying his body for money and validation.
That might not be his purpose but he is still doing it. His intentions doesn't change that fact.
Even someone like him has to be aware of the influence his videos have on young generation of lifters.
The zoomer tiktok fitness industry has become so toxic that any natural lifter would be seen as "mid" thanks to guys like sulek ruining the perception of zoomers.
So it's only natural that these young lifters would resort to roidtrooning.
>1. He has never advocated for anything other than working out everyday. And all he does in his videos is document his journey (no clickbait, never talked about steroids).
As I said before he advocates steroids by existing in front of a camera knowing damn well that most of his viewers are teenagers. Also his way of training wouldn't be best for a natural lifter.
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xe has a jewtube channel, go check xim out

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Post gemmy protein powder


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Would (YOU) workout in the poop gym?


Is that what an indian gym looks like?

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average gymgoy after wasting 5 years of his life
>still no gf
>don't have a better job, instead he spent a shjtton of money on poison, equipment and shekelstein's gym membership
>ruined his health with aforementioned posions


<fucking retarded ass gymnigger
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In high school, I was bullied relentlessly by a bunch of blacks. They made my life a living hell. Sometimes it got physical and I would be sent home bruised and crying; I was so afraid of them I started skipping school. My stellar grades slipped, and I ended up failing out. My dreams of college were never realized.

It took me years to realize they were right to bully me. I see now how foolish I was for not seeing the systemic challenges they faced while blithely ignoring my own privilege, and therefore complicity in the treatment I received. If only I could have seen this error and corrected it there and then! Instead I became a racist, resentful whiteboi like so many others. I would spend hours browsing /pol/ for redpills and sharing crime statistics, gushing with other racist whitebois about how much we hated black people.

Then I saw a picture of my waifu Samus getting BLACKED. I remember I reacted very strongly. I was seething with anger but couldn't look away. My white dicklet was diamonds. I gawked at it, my mouth slightly open. I just couldn't look away. It was like discovering porn for the first time all over again. As I stared at her taking a thick black dong in her pristine white pussy, a little pearl of precum formed at the tip of my now unbearably stiff cuckstick. I started humping my fist and shot my load in less than 10 seconds. I didn't know it then, but interracial had begun rewiring my brain permanently. I was a cuck for life.

After years of shame and relapse, I finally accepted my interracial porn addiction. My bullies are out there flooding white wombs with their virile sperm while I deathgrip my tiny, impotent, prematurely ejaculating penis to interracial cartoon porn and spill my unwanted loser slime into the toilet at least 3 times a day, every day, for as long as I'm alive. I've fulfilled my genetic destiny as a permavirgin cuckold. This is good as it gets for me.


what the fuck is this photoshopped chad called


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<reddit spacing
gymcelling only works for bitches if you already have pretty face
and if you are not it's over for you gymcell


raped my post award by typing gymcell instead of gymcel


Gymcel truth

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Is it true that estrogen makes your eyes lighter?


Yeah it is but you have to eye drop it into your eyes

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