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/fit/ - Health, Fitness and IRL

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If you're addicted to porn, why don't you just stop jekring off? Serious question.


At some point you don't even think about it because it's hard drug level stimulation just by tugging at your dick for a few minutes.


Holy shit I didn't think of that


Because OMGSISA and it feels good and i can't have sex in real life because women are retarded


you cant have sex because you cant talk to women because you feel uncomfortable around them because you watch too much porn


Reddit said it was good for me, and it is!

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tell me the laziest ways to lose weight
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2 months max


Eat less, don’t eat carbs



dont cut out carbs keto is retarded
just eat less than maintenance and go gym



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My muscles get bigger everyday.



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I geroge floyded my pimples with my fingernail, anyone else do this?

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this place feels more like /r9k/ than /fit/

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There will be surgeries like STROMA to help get rid of the melanin caked up in our iris, we are all true a40s underneath


Is that why I have blue limbal


it ain't a big deal bruh


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tsmt, there's melanin removing eye drops out though but their not FDA approved so don't do it


nothing will change the fact that your nipples are brown.

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>Last post: 5 hours ago


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We were at the gym, sorry.




froooot it's happened again for the 30th time delete this raisinty board already and add /sci/


dead ass board

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My skins gotten lighter


What did you do?


Stopped eating fried chicken


not me kys
exfoliation, vitamin c serum, sunscreen with 50 spf

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Tommorow i shall do legs, biceps, triceps and forearms
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Kind of irelevant but, Why can't women understand this picture's message?


Because women


Why do legs and arms in the same day doe. If I were doing all of these I would be working out for about 2 hours


I hadnt exercised in 4 days, i needed to catch up


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Women cannot use logic or reasoning.
They also freak out at every single inconvenience for some reason.

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Does sexual intercourse count as cardio?


go back

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