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in this world, mario gets all the whores

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>Be me.
>Bored out of my mind.
>Want to play games but none of them are fun.
>Check steam store, see half life 2 is free.
>Install and start playing
>Immediately begin having tons of fun

I've never played half life 2 before and I have no nostalgia for the series. Forget whatever redditors say, games are less fun because games suck right now. Modern game devs aren't victims of capitalism, they are completely inept retards who wouldn't know what fun is if it 'aped them in the 'utt.

This 20 year old game is the most fun thing I've played all year.




also don't forget to play jbmod, you can take it for free on steam.



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yall watch south park?
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Favorite episode?


Fell off after seasonn13


Not anymore


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raisinty normiefag slop that was never good or funny to begin with.




I hate how stiff the camera is and its autocenter is hell, is there a mod that puts the original camera in defective edition?


The problem is that you decided to buy the definitive addition. Just pirate the original


I pirated it, since it got patched apparently


I too watched that jewtube video glazing it


play the original retard


It still sucks, ignore the coping fags telling you its better, they're only saying that because they cant play the original

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Reading literature > appreciating visual art > listening to music > watching TV/film > playing video games
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Watching the fifth episode of the eleventh season of the Simpsons > Reading literature > appreciating visual art > listening to music > watching TV/film > playing video games


Recommend a book


saging for this dust image




Are you a chill guy

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>Warren Cook Gets Grounded The Movie




we should use goainmate to indoctrinate small autistic children into becoming soyposters


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Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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what are some good troon vegas mods?


Uninstall mod


Caesar's Legion trans flag

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video games have become boring.


Um honey its called growing up.


It’s called growing up. I too came to that revelation when I was about 16 or so. The joy never comes back, be warned.

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Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 is best PvZ game to every exist (along side with the original game)
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even tho both can easly counter chompers


then why do you hate them?????


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>soyjak users have become actual soy boys and play childrens games


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>>>50841 (OP)
>>soyjak users have become actual soy boys and play childrens games


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>playing childrens games

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