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/fnac/ - Five Nights at Cobson's

Discussion of our very own slow-burn, atmospheric, jumpscare heavy slowburn horror kino.

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 3289Sticky[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

hopefully the final review.
Turns out they took their sweet fucking time to tell me "erm the poorly drawn swastika? that means u have to tick off germany to release"
That took them 2 fucking months. They didnt tell us the actual game issues for two months. The only other complaint was that they needed le heckin legal proof that a david thoughie (fair use) song is actually not a hecking copyright infringement
steamjeets really took 2 months to see shit from NIGHT ONE and the MAIN MENU
Its been submitted for review again and ive requested some press keys, so if you have a youtube channel with a decent enough size, email me for a key.
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make fnac mobile edition so baba can play on ipad

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Froot how do you play baby mode

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I've heard its very easy to get your game approved on the PS store, could we get FNAC on PlayStation? literal h*ntai games are on there

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deadest board ever award

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Waiting for fnac 2

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>Can I play FNAC at my mobile device?

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>yeah, I play FNAC, how could you tell?


more players than concord and dustborn combined award


i couldnt

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