Fwoob do this
>froor give a heckin loli 'p watcher a key to a game that he'll play for 5 minutes
I already did
>>3403Thanks Frooty Froor
>fnaf ecelebs
Hanging troonjak.png
zero people post jacobson thoughbeit
could you guys host it on Epic? I haven't used it ever I just know it exists they're probably niggers too
>>2825>14 days agoAny news since then? I joked about 2 more weeks stuff but I don't actually want this thing to become a 2 more weeks meme
>>3284i hate to say it but its gonna keep being TVVO MORE VVEEKS because thats how steam jannies function. Remember, the demo was ready for fucking halloween, and weve been submitting builds and making the requested changes since november 3rd
>>3297Steam jannies must be actively messing with you
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