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/fnac/ - Five Nights at Cobson's

Discussion of our very own slow-burn, atmospheric, jumpscare heavy slowburn horror kino.

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I modded the demo to max aggression, all enemies active on the same night and all active from 12am


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nice run dude


no arrow therefore you look like this and say this


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how did you mod all the 'elfs to be on max aggression?

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do this


Sure i can do that, ev&oe no ones gonna buy it.
And the launch discount is gonna be for the cacaborean edtion of the game.


Sure i can do that, ev&oe no ones gonna buy it.
And the launch discount is gonna be for the cacaborean edtion of the game.


frot why did you post the same reply twice are you retarded?


>cacaborean edition of the game


FROOT! COMFIRM THIS. When I was was playing FNACs demo, I got jumpscared by Golden'Plier. Unfortunately due to the troonjak blocking my view, I could only see his feet, or something… After that, when he jumpscared me, it crashed the game. In conclusion this is my witness of golden 'plier.




this never happened


I also saw golden 'plier, he is real


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Pliers like the tool? take your milk and cookies buddy the game has no "pliers"




make fnac 3 take place in kolyma hq and have zombified aids-ridden kuz instead of springtrap


froot do this


froot please make fnac 2 intro scene the wholesomejak inviting you to the party


quads so froot has to do this


Zombification by aids btw

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Will we get a gift if we beat cobson's 5th night??


you'll get 1 gift


3rd gift is obtained by beating all 20's probably

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>13:20, 4 December 2023 EszettDoll talk contribs changed visibility of 35 log events on Special:Log: content hidden, edit summary hidden and username hidden

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Will there be a FNAC-equivalent to William Afton? An evil fellow who works behind the scenes? I theorize it could be Dr. Soystein, though it could be anyone's guess as to who it might be.. or if there will even be a hidden antagonist.
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kuz is william afton and doll is henry emily


that would make him more fitting to be the main antagonist of FNAC series


you have a point but isn't rapeson a pedophile


not to mention krampuself has likely groomed at least one kid making xer a pedophile


*tro.on ja.k

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what 'jaks do you guys think would be in a five nights at cobson's version of ultimate custom night? what mechanics do you think they would have?
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wholesomejak but hes like rockstar foxy, he kills you or pushes everyone else a space or two behind(?)


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A24 slowburn colorful dancing baby: if he gets in the office he will hypnotize you with his colorful dancing making you unable to check the cameras or close the doors unless you flash the flashlight at him


Dr sprokeberg: he will dispense meds to plierjak and take him out of the running for the evening, but to do this you have to toss him a sproke zero. Warning: you only have one sproke, and once you give him a sproke he will be coming around for more, angry that he can't have it. You can just treat him like a normal soyjak and close the doors, but you can take the risk and trade a more aggressive sprokeberg for no power outages.


Captain Coal: Will appear randomly during the night to summon a coal β€˜Jak. These coal β€˜Jaks will disappear after being stopped until Captain Coal summons them again. Higher AI level means a higher chance each minute. He can summon one of three coaljaks:
>Quirkjak - Can go through any vents or doors making him quite unpredictable. Disappears after being blocked.
>Brojak - Will appear in your office. brofist him by clicking his fist. Fail to do so and he’ll jumpscare you.
>Poopson - the rarest summon from Captain Coal. Works the same as UCN Nightmarionne but also persists on cameras. Appears as the blurry staticky screenshot. Disappears after 15-20 seconds.


captain coal would be fucking awesome as the ucn summoner, poopson has a really cool mechanic and could even work as a standalone character

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I am curious to what all the music samples are for feraljaks pad.


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it's SMVs and gemmy parodies like this

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