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/fnac/ - Five Nights at Cobson's

Discussion of our very own slow-burn, atmospheric, jumpscare heavy slowburn horror kino.

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Is fnac graphics rendered in real time or pre rendered like fnaf




realtime, we made the game as futureproof as possible


Gemerald game

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You mentioned post release content, what will it be ?
>Moderino support?
>New characters, lore?
>A HECKIN battlepass!!??!


steam marketplace integration i want to get a 1/10million gemson drop that sells for 1k dollars


Dlc for new content, a lot of new content, basically like 3 fnacs in one.
Profile shit so you can put bald men on your profile
maybe market items so you can buy and sell cobby and 'cado


Please froot, let me buy cado's asshole as a profile background

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what will be the price of fnac ? i think it should be 5 $ no more than the original fnaf game
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what a greedy kike


make it $14.88






Scott Cobson will take the game down for not containing enough Blacked content

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does anyone know anything about the mutty mutt's image? not to sound like a schizo but i think it might've been inspired by a raisinpost i made when i was 16
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it would certainly be an honor, but i think it's too low effort to be worthy. i do however think that mutty mutt's ad would look infinitely better with the space background, i featured it in all of them and it really ties them together
i think it's a bit too much to be just a coincidence, it might have subconsciously influenced it if xe saw them at some point, especially considered i also made one for a burrito with refried bug paste instead of beans
OC, could you please confirm if you've seen it at some point?





this is the first time i've seen that image


gemmiest coincidence ever then

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Add a mymy jumpscare
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mymy is one of the soyvelepers working on the game doe, xhe had to move all the way from the netherlands to new cob city just to work on the team so show some respect




it's also a no 'plier facility doeever


the asylum is located in a redacted location within capitol reef national park


it could be featured as one of the easter eggs, if you point your mouse at the NAS poster and type "ZWNBAG" xhe'll jumpscare you

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what did you chuds think of the 'naf movie?
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abby and the missing children are selfish little fucks


I personally havent watched it, but i know a faggot who likes fnaf


This is actually very true.


best video game movie i've ever watched unironically. Lillard did amazing and i can't wait for the sequel

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>froot said FNAC would be a new year's special
>the steam page doesnt even have a release date
face it, FNAC is never coming out. the entire game was nothing more then a plot by Froot to datamine unsuspecting chuds with the "demo" (actually a reskin of a malware that inserts hidden 'p into all your files) so they call sell it all to China in the name of the Goyem.


it’s releasing on jan 6


What about fnaf+ that shit got cancelled and pulled from steam

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It's not even a real game. the demo is a modification of another fnaf fan game from game jolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/Trumplocation/439586
So basically yeah it's never coming out and it's so over
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she's grasping at straws, the plot is unravelling


trips checked


you clearly added the unity splash screen to the unreal game as part of the reskin


Message the steam jannies because the game needs to be released on jan 6 to be gemmy though



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Will there be sequel if the game makes enough jewbucks?
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were already working on a sequel so yeah, even if it doesnt sell too much we might finish the sequel.


fifty night’s at spadeson’s the prequel


Mr Froot im sorry to say this but you meant we’re working as in β€œwe are working” you used the past tense were


im a t50 shitskin ESL sorry massa


Im sorry mister froot….

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Someone made a a β€œvideo essay” on the game or something


>Video essay praising the game before it even came out
Cobsisters we won, scroogetube loves us now




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that nigga 4 years old

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