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/fnac/ - Five Nights at Cobson's

Discussion of our very own slow-burn, atmospheric, jumpscare heavy slowburn horror kino.

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Has anybody else here beaten the 7/20 custom night? If so can you describe your own strategy for how you beat it?


why not start yourself?


I assume the toughest enemy in this gamemode would be 'plier. You can't keep the generator doors perpetually closed, or else he'll cut the power. You'll probably have to verify the generator room every five seconds. The vents will also have to be closed very often. Chud and Cob alone will probably rape your entire power supply, since you can't have the lights on in order to check for 'plier and safely close the doors, and the vents have to be closed while they're in your room, wasting your time…


I think most of the 'jaks are rather even in their level of annoyance. 'Plier should be checked for every few seconds yes but Chud doesn't stay in your room for that long and he usually doesn't cut power in the mean time. I always close the door to the generator if I see Rapeson close to me in the hallway though. You don't have to check for 'Plier if he is in your hallway. Closing the vent before Rapeson is in your room isn't necessary as while fingerboy can start climbing through Rapeson should leave before it can get to you if you're fast enough to the switch. You can look around and interact with stuff while Chud is with you so you can look at the vent to see if Impish is there or hear if the fingerboy is coming and then close it so you don't waste power if neither of them are there.


when you hear rapseson step right infront of your door and flash him, the next move you do will result in a jumpscare unless its turning off the lights or closing the door, what i like to do when rapeson in in the door is to close it then close the side vent and then check on plier. if you open the rapeson will kill you unless the lights are off.


Closing the door only works to stop him before you flash him in the doorway, if you close it when he is in the room with you he will rape you. If you want Rapeson to enter your room and not stall for half the night in the doorway I think it is better to close and open the front door quickly since if the fingerboy is in the hallway and you flash it will run at you as Rapeson enters the room resulting in a guaranteed rape or mauling.

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idk if this will help in any way, but it doesn't hurt to try



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>take a nap after a 5 hour grind sesh, trying to beat night 5 with under -50% power
>have an actual nightmare where im playing fnac and im hiding under the desk while Chud is stalking me

Anyone else had dreams like this? I haven’t gotten nightmares since I was a kid, but this one was a legit nightmare. If I remembered to eat breakfast instead of immediately switching on fnac after I woke up this morning I probably would’ve shit myself.


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If you were aryan you could've just told Chud 1448 and he would've let you live. Are you, by any chance, a esl poopskin, chuddie?


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try to lucid dream irl FNAC, and try to befriend chud and have a sproke with him.

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I JUST beat the Golden Cobby hard mode custom night and the game just fucking soft locked me on this screen.
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We've identified the issue and fixed it, it will be patched soon (two more weeks).
Unfortunately that means until then, custom night is broken.


Thank you 'jeet coder saar.


i uploaded the fixed version but forgot to tell you about it geg


I do thank you for making fingerboy a more difficult foe, this was a much desired change as I thought he came much too infrequently.


Yea while testing custom night we realized I fucked up fingerboy's aggro formula. Now he should attack more often, but you get a slightly larger window to react to his hallway sprint so Parkinson'sGODS don't keep dying because they cpuldn't hit the door button in time.

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make it so impish can't come in at the same time as chud or cobson


I am pretty sure this is already true for Cobson but Impish can only come though the vent if Chud is in the room so you can just close it if you see him there.


Idk man, to me it seems like the hallway imp just can't help himself, and keeps coming in right after Cobson.

So think about it for a second. It's pitch black (or else Cob rapes you), you haven't checked the hallway with your flashlight in 15 or so seconds (or else Cob rapes you), and now you suddenly hear a buzzing. The enemies who buzz are Chud, imp, and 'plier. If it's Chud, you can't flash, or he kills you. If it's imp, you can't not flash, or he kills you.

I don't think that the devs will make it so that imp and Chud won't attack at the same time. This will take away from the challenge, and will make achieving the "there's a party" award much more difficult.

My solution is maybe to give Chud's buzzing just anything to differentiate him in the dark from the imp. Maybe a subtle morse code cue to his buzzing, like:
> β€’ β€” β€” β€” β€” | β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€” | β€” β€” β€” β€’ β€’ | β€” β€” β€” β€’ β€’
Better yet, maybe make it so that there's some consistency:
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How are you supposed to beat a night without feeding the squirrel
what makes feraljak wake up and whats the best way to use the ipad


Feraljak wakes up if you make too much noise. Especially closing the doors or using the flashlights. I think it's meant to provide an additional challenge to le h*ccin' speedrunners and other people with adhd, who play fnaf games like this guy does:



Feraljak doesn't matter all that much even if you play like a schizo like I do since I feed squirreljak every two or four seconds even though you only need to about every twenty-five or so.

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>rapable nightguards

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Whenever I start the game it says that the file couldn't be reached or that it doesn't have the right permits (My OS is Windows 11)





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>glownigger was understandably scrapped


Was the amerimutt scrapped too?

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>cameras dont stall him for long
>even with stalling, he makes his way to your room
>cant shut him out or he drains all your power by banging on the doors
>when he gets in, he just stays there until you get killed by feraljak or imp. if you click a button he instakills you

seriously wtf is the mechanic here?
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I noticed how Cobson will jumpscare you in your office when your lights is out and when you get your mouse over squirreljak's interactable


What's the in-lore reason for squirrel doing that? Is he brainwashed by cob to release feraljak? Was he trained by the asylum staff to release feraljak? He even dies in the process, why would he possibly decide to gnaw at the bars when there's plenty of nuts?

Is this just for gameplay reasons, to make it harder?

My pet theory for now is that while he was awake, feraljak trained nutty to gnaw at the bars and release him if he ever senses that Cobson is near, so that he can have another Cobson-Feraljak war.


he's scared of evilson and upon hearing his heavy bangs he starts acting irrationally… poor little fella




after the first footsteps hes in the doorway right and you can see him with the flashlight, if you shine the flashlight though that will immediately move him into the office, so you can speed him up into the office to minimize risk but other than that i think its literally just luck that someone else doesnt walk into the office during that ten seconds or so

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