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/fnac/ - Five Nights at Cobson's

Discussion of our very own slow-burn, atmospheric, jumpscare heavy slowburn horror kino.
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>take a nap after a 5 hour grind sesh, trying to beat night 5 with under -50% power
>have an actual nightmare where im playing fnac and im hiding under the desk while Chud is stalking me

Anyone else had dreams like this? I haven’t gotten nightmares since I was a kid, but this one was a legit nightmare. If I remembered to eat breakfast instead of immediately switching on fnac after I woke up this morning I probably would’ve shit myself.


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If you were aryan you could've just told Chud 1448 and he would've let you live. Are you, by any chance, a esl poopskin, chuddie?


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try to lucid dream irl FNAC, and try to befriend chud and have a sproke with him.

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