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/fnac/ - Five Nights at Cobson's

Discussion of our very own slow-burn, atmospheric, jumpscare heavy slowburn horror kino.
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my original support ticket:
<My build has been on review for over 3 weeks and steam support has stopped replying to my ticket. are you on holiday or something? if so when are you going to be back in office? thank you!"
their zogged and awesome response

>Your app requires an additional review and may take longer than the expected 2-3 business days. You should receive an email once we have reviewed the build or store page for this app."

>yeah we will ghost you for weeks because erm its heckin antisemiterino
i fucking wrote 5 times over THREE FUCKING WEEKS and no reply, they just ghost you while they review your game


Would you consider another platform for distribution of FNAC, with how Valve doesn’t seem to want to host it?


Just keep sending tickets they'll have to reply to you with a human instead of a bot at some point. I don't think swastikas would be an issue(aren't they all drawn wrong anyway?), maybe in the past when you had to censor them for Germany but I don't think that has been an issue in years.

yeah lel partner with qofficial.net


footy froo can't do this because he wants sharty users to wear their support on their profiles on steam



What's the plan? What to do now?


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>Stickying three of your own posts on the same board


Remember that nu-wolfenstein has normal drawn swastikas though


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Froot is perfectly within his rights as admin to do so A24. You needn't be so cruel in mocking him when you do much the same after viewing a kino such as Everything Everywhere All At Once.


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guarantee you a campo santo hire on steam janny duty that day took one look at it and put you right on the pay no mind list


Still the holiday season, calm down geg


Calm down froot, check your email to see if they responded


build your own site for the game


Good idea, he should buy this domain that I found:


steam doesnt have bot replies, only humans


Froot I have a theory, some tranny janny is mad that he can't ban the game so he's ghosting you indefinetely to keep the game in limbo


Can you send a screencap to prove you didn't make this all up to get out of delivering your game?


Send screencap of message (blur/censor anything that's sensitive) we need to know if this information is peered reviewed and backed by science


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> are you on holiday or something?


all of this is because of the 2 seconds in the trailer showing the tranny hanging


steam support are all troons who -ACKed xhemselves


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ive sent proof a trillion times but here it goes again


Here's the plan froot, remove the troon from the game and send the build again, then after the game releases, you add it back in a patch


they obviously want you to remove the tranny from the game, so simply add a low effort substitute to him for the game to be greenlit and patch it back


the tranny was never the issue, the problem was the swastikas that were poorly drawn on the chud. the steam jannies asked for a version of the game that was "completed" so they could "look at potentially mature content"
They couldnt beat the game to get all the endings so they needed us to send them a completed build. the tranny wasnt an issue because xhe only appears on night 1 so its easy to verify.


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make an easy mode and put a big heart where the swastikas are!!! ^_^


Raid valve hq then rape Gabe Newell and threaten him to finish the review


Would it be possible to do what other 'teens were suggesting for the troon for the chud's fail swastika? Or would that just be too far in at this point and more be something you guys should have done when first submitting the build?





do this now




Im from the year 2030 5 FNAC games worth have been developed but none of them have come out and their have only been the first FNAC trailer. This is because Gabe Newells son becomes trans and makes it xher mission to ensure FNAC never comes out anywhere. Maybe you guys can prevent this future


could you guys host it on Epic? I haven't used it ever I just know it exists they're probably niggers too


>14 days ago
Any news since then? I joked about 2 more weeks stuff but I don't actually want this thing to become a 2 more weeks meme



i hate to say it but its gonna keep being TVVO MORE VVEEKS because thats how steam jannies function. Remember, the demo was ready for fucking halloween, and weve been submitting builds and making the requested changes since november 3rd


Steam jannies must be actively messing with you

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