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who is this



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Daily reminder that you're a loser incel who's sitting on this website all day while I as a transgirl just had sex with a cisgirl an hour ago
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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Transgender people look like this.


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this is why im team nigger

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Bejitabro btw


What's your cord tag I need to groom you



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what is this racist 4chan bootleg 💀💀💀💀
y'all niggas need to touch grass
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mods move to bait nowie


hawk 3: I just lost possesion of my doooooog and my sibling demonstrated me how to pursueeeee the sack


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no effort


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>what is this racist 4chan bootleg 💀💀💀💀
>y'all niggas need to touch grass

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ITT we roleplay a scenario where Soytan forcefully converts everyone on earth to become her! You can submit your own story just be very detailed about how you are transformed and hypnotized into becoming Soytan


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i cured soytanification


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>ITT we roleplay a scenario where Soytan forcefully converts everyone on earth to become her! You can submit your own story just be very detailed about how you are transformed and hypnotized into becoming Soytan



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How do you think a transphobic racist bigoted chud would react, to seeing his own mommy cooing at the mere presence of a trans goddess? Even more so seeing the beautiful trans women flirting with his beloved mother right in front of him, even touching her but his milf of a mom is completely enamoured by the transgirls sensual aura. I think it’s hit extra hard when chud remembers he’s a sexless ugly freak who will never even dream of sex with a woman, and the transqueen outperforms him in every way, her succulent GOCK is at least twice the size of his putrid micro dick. Would he cry? Beg his mommy not to immediately embrace the trans new world order? Maybe even submit to the inevitable, the hopelessness give into the temptation and watch as his mommy and mortal enemy make passionate, bed breaking love?
16 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You can call me a kike all you want chuddy. It doesn't affect me.
Don't listen to this guy. he's probably an actual nazi and horrible human being.


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PLEASE give me a link if this is true, it would shake my faith if Christianity turned out to be a scheme crafted to help pedos achieve world domination


actually made me burst inot insane laughter award


Tbf you gotta admit that there's some pretty wacky stuff in the old Jewish texts. Granted, having objectionable content in religious text is nothing new.


why did you post that NIGGER
you run you black piece of shit spic NIGGER

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Skibidi pedos look like this

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it's all so tiring..




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>it's all so tiring..

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What would you do if it was revealed that all sharty administration, moderation, and janny work was done by a cabal of boymoders?
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Jannies move my keyed cummie thread to >>>/nate/ while leaving this niggerraisin spam up.


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Thank you, janny.



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what if there was a lonely and sad puppy boymoder who was abandoned? you would find her alone sobbing outside and she would be sad and cold and wet.


im going to stab you






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