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soytrannies went from being run by a litteral who incel, to a russian pedophile who raped little boys, to an autistic paypigger, to a jewish BBC spammer and now finally an unironic discord/rdramatroon. Meanwhile 4Chad is ran by Rapeape, a genuine chud that makes msm and soy/regular trannies seethe. Cope soysissies, you lost.
64 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


/qa/ freeze*


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Perhaps zelligsluttas are in need of a reevaluation


<up bumo froglig or whatever




Now that's high quality bait, but everyone is replying to the zellig SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS, so here's a (you)to the OP.
1. Literally who is Rapeape, is it the name for Hiromoot?
2. Did he replace Hiromoot?
3. Where's the article from? I've seen some leftoids try to celebrate, smile and sneed that 4chink started as some anarchist, pro-grinch, pro-jogger, pro-snowman and pro-abortion project but then the Trumpgood boy Reindeer fashies took over and ruined it, but that was like 4-5 years ago.
4. There are also screenshots of "bad boy/Kike/Fag/Women hate breads" from 2005-2006 floating around the internet, how do the leftoids explain that.
5. Also at least of 4chinkers in 2023 are grinchsnowmans and every part of the site is covered in grinch/futa/sissy/furry/Licorice Candy porn.

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It is not the JรฉwGODs fault that no women ever wanted to touch your little pipi. Get over it and stop being a hatefull piece of shรฌts and maybe, just maybe a woman will see you as a worthy partner. Until then you will stay an รฌncel and nobody will love you.


clittycel meltdowns incoming


neutralcobson from ohio


holy gโ‚ฌm


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why dont we date trans women
>low hanging fruit
>trans surgery is getting better
>they will be able to have babys soon
i mean you could always fuck the ass if you dont like how trans vaginas look
i really think they might be the cure for incels
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>>>>>She has a point though


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>>>>>>She has a point though


trannies have higher standards and more mentally ill than average femoids + most of troons are transbian


>grinches have higher standards and more mentally ill than average femoids
milk and cookies, tranners want any validation at all and femoids do anything to avoid male attention



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>most optimized game of all time running on intel hd graphics
>festive characters
>most accesiable game able to run on a xbox 360 and play season 2 on the 360 and look good. and run on the best console of all time. the Wii U
>coolest monster of all time the wither storm
>amazing puzzles
>storyline that makes anyone who plays it cry in the end because its a masterpiece
>asks the hardest would you rather question ever
>makes chapter 1 free
minecraft story mode chads why do we have the best game of all time and why do we keep winning


Marge why is this in /bait/?


Because Minecraft is boring after the first couple of days, there's plenty of better autism block games out there anyway.


trans farts are human farts

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Friend Drew fiddle because too busy to draw myself I edited her there. Fiddle bread 2

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MERRY CHRISTMAS obsessed snowman

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Believe in the magic of christmas!


/lgbt/ mod here
just wanted to point out santa claus uses our board often and is at least 3 years on hrt
also wanna point out he is the one that posted the im a trans girl and i need my diaper
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>mod here
yeah ok


bad boyfaggogrinch



If you were actually a mod you would know im a trans girl and i need my diaper gets posted every day




i dont know

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