1. A rich text editor in the post form, like a BBCode forum.
2. Better anti-bot technology.
3. Every subculture gets a sub-board of /soy/. For example, /soy/neutral would be for blogposting and neutralpliers. Each sub-board is automatically merged into /soy/, but users can decide which sub-boards they want to see. When you submit a post to /soy/, your post will get routed by an AI classification system to the right sub-board and moved if necessary. (side-note, I actually was making a browser extension to do this. the planned list of sub-boards/filters were "Flart", "Cobson", "NAS", "Neutralplier", "Frog", "Anime", "Blogposts", "BBC", "Chud", "Self-inserting")
4. An NSFW filter must be implemented but it should be able to be disabled client-side.
5. Other boards must start being used and mods should move threads there aggressively.
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