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/bait/ - Bait Gallery

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>L for whitoids even doe giggly clown is white


even though giggly is white. its a W


source? actually interested, not just (you) farming

File: lain what.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (89.29 KB, 1008x720) ImgOps


Hello. I'm from /vg/. and I have 1 question for you:
Why are you like this?
Why do you hate us so much? Is there an explanation for this?


>OP here I'm trans btw


Ugly nigger coal like this


words words words you expect me to read all of that?


Go back


le b(bvll gates)c girl

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This board should only have soyjaks in it no Nas no plambing no racebait nothing else if you want to post that Nas go to 4cuck.orgy/pol
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


chΕ‚opak z toalety kek


kys gaslighting retarded soyboy child


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The sharty should be a caca only zone


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Op here it's not a bait

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what is a soyquote
i assume everyone who posts a soyjak is self inserting


NewALLAH, I have no words for this one. Also stop selfinserting and using neutralplier. Very dishonorable display.


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im sorry whos talking to me?
i cant see anyone



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Does anyone else here enjoy buttplay?
I sometimes wear buttplugs, not the round ones, but the ones that taper off and are meant for long prostate massage sessions.
Once it settles in place it gives a very satisfying feeling for a while.
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Mods gods but should be moved to >>>/bait/ or >>>/lgbt/ in my opinion


/bait/ evendoe i own several buttplugs


>xhe actually moved it AGAIN
why are mods like this


are you dreamyBVLL


MOVE IT TO /soy/

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>anime self inserts


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>>anime self inserts


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Kill yourself
>>>anime self inserts


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>i look JUST like this heckin tranime girl!!!

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Another soyscrote fail lol


Mods = gods


>Another soyscrote fail lol

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>giggly goon clown got away with everything and is probably now grooming a whitoid child to join the BNW0


I mean… did she even do anything wrong? All of her "crimes" are petty and forgivable.
What she needs is therapy, not prison time.


Β tsmt



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Β Stop spamming bi bi si and bi wi si, or im calling my husband lemonjak again.
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old gem


bidoubleyusi sistas how can we recover from this?


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