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A banner for soyjak.party

/bait/ - Bait Gallery

The curator thanks you in advance for not touching the installations.

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baiting tip for all my frens: target raid threads, d​i​​sc​o​r​​d and jakbox raids in particular
they're full of d​is​​c​​o​r​d kids with anger issues and because of this you'll get 10x more replies than if you post frogbait in one of their threads instead of making a new thread


WDYT about 'eromorphs


why is this the only image people ever use of them when they talk about them


No fucking clue

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>Kill yourself obsessed faggot


what does this have to do with bait?


kill yourself obsessed faggot




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I enjoy Europe's obsession attention.


kill yourself dutch faggot

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Based centralist

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Whenever a twp cuckold LARPS as an Aryan, tell xhim the truth. The Aryan peoples were BLACK BVLLS who possessed that BBC and crossed the steppes in order to impregnate as many snowbunnies as possible.
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IAS gem


If chuddy and a soyjak merged into a single being




IAS gem that made me laugh


The trvkerald that made a /pol/cel ACK xhimself

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pointless banner. no need to have some roastie as a sharty mascot




Hiiii :3
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ywnbam (you will never be a man)


I think thats my ex




can i date you



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The only good thing yall ever did was make gemmy soyjaks. The transphobia, well, it's coal


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (43.75 KB, 520x600) ImgOps

>The only good thing yall ever did was make gemmy soyjaks. The transphobia, well, it's coal






now do cobby


I would suck the hairs off those thighs


Seek help


so based.


the only self harm thats festive and not killjoy.. so trve. DO IT AGAIN

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