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/bait/ - Bait Gallery

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File: lqm8kvmntvbc1.jpg 📥︎ (136.79 KB, 1280x719) ImgOps


what is this racist 4chan bootleg 💀💀💀💀
y'all niggas need to touch grass


hawk 1: 2+2 hawk 2:uhh bump for part 2




mods move to bait nowie


hawk 3: I just lost possesion of my doooooog and my sibling demonstrated me how to pursueeeee the sack


File: 1707539333841.png 📥︎ (374.92 KB, 688x606) ImgOps

no effort


File: 1714486848382v.mp4 📥︎ (3.1 MB, 294x640) ImgOps

>what is this racist 4chan bootleg 💀💀💀💀
>y'all niggas need to touch grass

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