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Have you ever stubbed your toe

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Dead As raisin Award

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Don't mind me, I'm just jogging to page 40.


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come back

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how do you go over a horizon


Hey guys

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soon, pliersisters.
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most obvious datamining scheme award




This was the Shlog


saving history

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my back is under a lot of tension and the chiropractor in my town is good at diagnosing problems.

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soytan god soytan is so rapeable


soyjaks can only reproduce through rape, female β€˜jaks are the most fertile while they’re scared and in pain, which is why soyjaks look frightening while in rape mode




I said this about a little Jewish boy in my high school once and my friends thought it was funny and now that I think back I feel kinda fucked up for saying it. Also soytan’s a cartoon.


i said a girl was rapeable in school right in front of her

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 β„–1043[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5]

Remember when a group on 4chan managed to find the room in someone’s house where a flag was based on the position of the sun?

Don’t need to remind me how scary it is.
490 posts and 418 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: neutralplier.png πŸ“₯︎ (8.96 KB, 600x800) ImgOps

marge I did this 3 weeks ago already?
time went fast


They in the naughty list snowball fights and pretty much all forms of new OC. Look at what happened with 'elfs.




gemmy thread



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I wanna buy a chastity cage and a vibrator but I'm afraid that my parents might see it. Or they might get checked on customs. What are the political implications of this?


r u a neet or a minor

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