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File: schlongiplier.png 📥︎ (35.15 KB, 600x1200) ImgOps


another one for the books

File: vegetaplier .png 📥︎ (62.93 KB, 600x980) ImgOps


saiyan representation

File: neutralplier.png 📥︎ (8.96 KB, 600x800) ImgOps


not enough 'ems on the 'log, here's a 'plier


thanks blud

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life hasnt been too rough lately, jus have been "locked up" at a mental health care facility for 4 months now. i am grateful to be alive, but zamn can it be hard to care or notice

File: neutralplier.png 📥︎ (1.99 MB, 7500x10000) ImgOps


Neutralplier is good. If you hate on neutralplier then you look like neutralplier
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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i hate myself and look like this


Op here i

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I'm going to go take a piss


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im also going to troon out while in the toilet because im trans


No one does this


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stop doing this

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I got permanently ba nned for blogposting on /soy/ a few hours ago and I've been crying and heavily sobbing the whole time, but I just got unb anned so it's fine now.


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Hey don't move my bread



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the jacket i bought on ebay arrived. it fits




are you the same 'teen who talked about buying a hooLet your heart be bright! like 2 months ago


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>the jacket i bought on ebay arrived. it fits


hoo d i e


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my stomach hurts

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