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>sharty is barely loading
>booru is more slow than ever
>booru only returns a white screen most of the time
>wiki is still down after well over 24 hours
nuadmin can you do your job already
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


even doe


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (42.53 KB, 1100x492) ImgOps

looks like nothing's changed since admin 6 was deposed. at least the sharty's up.


>server acking every day or something


s- sorry >-< *churnnnn* my tummy wa- was.. all rumbly… s- so I pulled down… m- my pants…and…ex-explosively s-shat on the…servers >o< p-p-please for-give me…c- hud… *grrrrrr….* *ggrowwwwlllll….*


Moved to >>>/plier/5162.


>sharty is barely loading
>booru is more slow than ever
>booru only returns a white screen most of the time
>wiki is still down after well over 24 hours
nuadmin can you do your job already


I shat on servers


even doe


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (42.53 KB, 1100x492) ImgOps

looks like nothing's changed since admin 6 was deposed. at least the sharty's up.


>server acking every day or something


>sharty is barely loading
>booru is more slow than ever
>booru only returns a white screen most of the time
>wiki is still down after well over 24 hours
nuadmin can you do your job already


I shat on servers


even doe


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (42.53 KB, 1100x492) ImgOps

looks like nothing's changed since admin 6 was deposed. at least the sharty's up.


>server acking every day or something

File: 'plier.webm 📥︎ (1.01 MB, 576x576) ImgOps


2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.








kino gem or something



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drinking fucking rules

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Trannies ruined futa porn
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


gonna goon to this


that one artist who makes futanari vocaloids is singlehandedly responsible for EPI'ing me into liking futanari






every single trannie now thinks futa porn was specially made to depict them

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>Be me
>Listening to sissy hypno as usual for 3 hours while bouncing on my dildo
>Finish and clean up, put everything away
>Start listening to music while browsing the sharty
>Hungry, so get a snack from the kitchen with my wireless headphones still on
>Parents are silent, my headphones go silent as I walk away
>Realize that the audio telling me to become a girl and take hrt was playing on full blast from my speakers, not my headphones

What do I do???
17 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Kys Discord tranny avatarfag


saefag mexemtt SFISEFLAG antiwhite GEGEGEGEGEGEGG


indo-raptor is a forced scary monster hybrid who scared my little cousin when we watched the movie in theaters to the point where he hid outside of the showing



hello rapey roo


I hope your parents smother you in your sleep you fat esl fnf nigger monkey



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I'm a feminine male but uh not that kinda feminine male or the other kind… the type of nigga that tells you he loves you and the type of nigga that enjoys house cleaning, laundry and cooking. Also I like touching my butt
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: image0.png 📥︎ (18.29 KB, 191x255) ImgOps

No. Go watch starwars or something milleniturd. I swear you guys are the most soy generation


cooking isn't feminine nigga kys


Unbothered aryan


cleaning and cooking is gigaryan you extra nigger


File: images (8).jpeg 📥︎ (23.73 KB, 646x475) ImgOps

>No. Go watch starwars or something milleniturd. I swear you guys are the most soy generation

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anyone else get sexually aroused at the thought of petting dinosaurs? or is this just an autistic sensory thing


>anyone else get sexually aroused at the thought of petting dinosaurs? or is this just an autistic sensory thing


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File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (331.27 KB, 613x305) ImgOps

the AI knows


nobody replied award also kys troontone

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