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'teens is a 15 year old and a 13 year old being together ok?




in the apocalypse, yes. In current times, no. You should be doing school, going outside, and making friends. Dating is for a few years down the line. Its less of an age difference issue more of a your too young to date issue. Also the minimum site age is 16, leave nigga.


Like nigga the difference is only 2 years, how can this not be normal?

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I am going to eat, what my fellow gayrope teens ate tonight ?


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>I am going to eat, what my fellow gayrope teens ate tonight ?


dead board

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All I need right now is a loving relationship with another trans girl Is that too much to ask?






just kill yourself instead

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>DNB is banned ←- You are here
>DN is banned
>Doxxing is banned
>Raiding is banned
>Slurs are banned
>Transphobia is banned
It's a slippery slope


doxxing was banned before albiet


boo hoo uncreative poltard crying about not being able to post his foodist collection in response to bait threads


>banning necro cp LE BAD


dnb and dn should be banned doe

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the fat bitch in my class is eating cheetos geg. yesterday xe had a soda. I hate living in fatmuttamerica (new israel) (also new africa) (new mexico also)


I mean she had a soda on last friday bc we don't have school during the weekends


She probably mogs you

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Today is the, good day

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6 orgasms in 5 hours
I feel like I'm gonna throw up




no im not


i got some streetpasses!
14 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




The UI seems a little bare, where do I go?


train station


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went there and my mii told someone to fuck off, lol.


Are you trans you fruity nigga

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