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>chudbob came from xitter or however I like to make stuff up

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>bait or mental retardaton we shouldnt attack our own in the ongoing culture war because we need to win, if we attack our own leftists get a win and furthers their agenda. We will be raiding another left wing subreddit but I wont say which one yet. All I can say is that it's small, its got like 3 inactive mods


somalia won


ethiopian falseflag

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>i'm a newGOD too, i have been on this site for a few years and at first saying nigger all the time was funny due to how controversial it is for someone coming from normalfag media, however now all i see all the time is nigger this, tranny that, cuck this and kys there, is this all 4chan has to offer? is all really just newGODs trying to fit in a culture that never existed and is just propagated by more newGODs trying to fit in? i swear you can't ask a simple question without at least one guy replying "tranny"

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>nooo you MUST let me post my thugshaker lolis you're being a christkike MORALFAGGGGGGFFG and you're restricting my free speech

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Yo, Cobson!
Hi, Bvll!
You wanna bang?
Sure, Bvll
Jump in

Come on Cobby, let's go Sharty
Ah, ah, ah, yeah
Come on Cobby, let's go Sharty
Uooh u, Uooh u
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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marge why did janny just remove that swede thread?

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>What are big boobs (im a visual learner btw)


i see those on <'dit
a lot and they are so fucking boring

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>we /jak/ posters are white o algo

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