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A banner for soyjak.party

/jak/ - Jaks

Traditional soyaking

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>If this post gets 400 replies Froot has to ban spadecucks

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>It is like someone took the irony poisoned psychopathy of Twitter, the bigotry of 4chan, the immaturity of Reddit and pedophilia of Discord, combined it together and distilled to create the worst platform to ever exist on the internet

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>Anti furry comando here

>I heard about this website because some friend told me that we can say the n-word, post nazi pepe and organize operation againts the world scum of the world , sjws, furries and weebs because they are evil ,they impose their Igtv agenda in based cartoons like puss in boots 2 We need to eliminate them and trowhing them into the horny jail

>Anti furry comando out, heil hitler

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>Post based natsoc stuff here that will make troons ACK xemselves


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>Post based natsoc stuff here that will make troons ACK xemselves

File: chud.png 📥︎ (31.84 KB, 392x590) ImgOps


>all the homosexuals on the sharty are just glowies trying to ruin the webstite
>its all bait

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>twitter award

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janny come here and remove the nas /soy/ coal o algo


meds all I see is IAS and traditional jakking

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>Ranking Every BLACKED Episode Ever


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>Your post contains too many lines!

File: brainletjak.png 📥︎ (200.71 KB, 500x838) ImgOps


>this is a site for soyjaks thats why its soyjak.party
>not [insert animated youtube goyslop targeted at 8 year old].party

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