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>who else is extremely insecure about their ethnicity because of its oppression throughout history




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Glistening soyquote gem




what about DAJOOS


ITT: timmy general

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>Mario slender conspiracy


milk and cookies now caroler



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>America is a crazy, broken country currently constantly on the edge of falling completely into fascism.

>So much what is going on in america is just utterly insane. Post-factual feelings-based rightwing crazyness.

>And sadly, a bunch of that seems to slowly creep over and inspire our rightwing parties. I used to think that we were better equipped to deal with rightwing bullshit due to our history and education system, but currently it seems as if we are just 10-20 years slower.


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>The guy that put the black sun, a nazi symbol, into his official campaign ad?

>I think I’d get banned instantly if I said what I think.


>If the US hadnt been on my no-fly list before, it would be now. My heart breaks for any woman, poc or queer person trapped there

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more elfs I made




Not something to be proud of, it's something you should kill yourself over faggot.



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>Öh Mëïn ßcïëncë, Fräülëïn Tröönjäk brökë üp wïth më bëcäüße Ï äm ä lïtëräl prötö-Näzi chüd whö rëfüßëd tö dënöuncë Öttö Vän Bïßmärk? GÖD Ïß HËCKÏNG DËÄD!

>Änd thën.. trüth????? ähähhähhä wë cän't ßäÿ änÿthïng äböüt! äll öür längüägëß ärë cönfïnëd tö ßübjëctïvë hümän ëxpërïëncëß änd THËRËFÖRË wë cän't bë öbjëctïvë. Fëël ßtüpïd nöw LÖL whät Ï cönträdïctëd mÿsëlf?? ÿöü clëärlÿ dön't gët ït, rëäd ït ägäïn LMÄÖ (wïnnër öf thë 1889 cömëdÿ äwärd för fünnïëßt phïlößöphïcäl ëßäÿ)




Why must you create this whilest I'm reading Nietzsche at work…


>ächtüällÿ ï wäs jüst lärpïng as der Zärätrüstä ï dön't achtüällÿ mëän änÿ öf ït, ëxcëpt whën ï dö !


He was a chronic gooner as well, Wagner sent a letter to Nietzsches doctor because his gooning sessions were so bad.

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>Anonymous 09/18/20(Fri)17:11:24 No.3477729▶
>I like to imagine having consensual sex with a little girl
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Underused variant

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>Stop trying to dodge the falling leaves, they're not the poisonous!
>Why are the trees trying to get rid of them then? Because they're dead you dingus!

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>DR. SOYLOVE, Or: How I learned to stop 'jakking and love the coal


Story of /qa/




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we cannot allow a gemstone gap

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