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/jak/ - Jaks

Traditional soyaking

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>>Ever felt peckish, a bit hungry, but not hungry enough to actually have to eat? Just hungry enough to feel that pain. And have you then ever opened your fridge to grab something, looked at everything in it, and then closed it not having taken anything? You're kind of hungry, but don't have any appetite. You want to eat, but you can't find anything you want to eat. Not even the smell of freshly cooked food is enough to rouse your appetite. And so you don't eat, and have to go on, feeling that pain, feeling that push to eat something, you keep going to the fridge only to look with apathy at what's inside, and then close it again.


I say that and look like that

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>using internet acronyms in real life


hwnbag or some tsmt


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this jak goes very well with the music I'm listening to lol
I'm at 26:20 btw




fuck you or some mierda


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uh why doe? also 2023.

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>You can't just turn people into rocks, that isn't physically possible.


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>out of the coal came forth sweetness

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>Wew Lad


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>This is an 18+ board anon, please Believe in the magic of christmas!


'em 'me 'beit



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I fucking love ishish soyak ears


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I fucking hate ishish soyak ears



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>THAT'S RIGHT! Leave this board INACTIVE so that soyboys CEASE being made fun of and so that vapid DOXXING of people who aren't even WORTH YOUR TIME continues on FOREVER! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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>making gemmy soyquotes is hard work, why not just relax and enjoy the latest doxx/raid brought to you by di-
>TEENS. Organic thread by teens, yep.


indisputably genre-defining gem that imploded the heads of all doxxtroons and low effort raidtroons within a 9001-mile radius that simultaneously caused a 20 megaton explosion in each discord server room around the world


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>IT'S OVER 9000!




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Variant unknown brimstone


gem and nas are not mutually exclusive but its still nas and coal


Variant unknown brimstone

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>No! Not my queen I spent 50,000 dollars on!



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>infinjgyy iis notf a nubmbr
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>repeating numberrino soon


File: Anrgywholesome.png 📥︎ (31.39 KB, 600x800) ImgOps

ev&oe its not


Even doe in 20 posts chudcel

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