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If you're is surprised by that you're kinda slow no offense. Any imageboard older than a year and known by more than 50 people is monitored by feds, and if it's particularly popular then glowniggers will literally demand admin priviliges to look through user IPs and post history.
The portutard got visited by the police a couple of days after he posted his whitecel manifesto. If you're not retarded you'll NEVER post ANYTHING that can get you in big trouble on this site.
Also it's political because I mentioned niggers and the portuguese mosque shooter o algo.
Also the fact that the thread got fucking nuked instead of being moved to /qa/ or something is even more proof that glowies are all over the place holy geg.




I am suprised the site isnt full of bots and jidf till now


He stated which mosque it was going to be and said he didn't live far, are you braindead? The KGB should hire you for your critical thinking skills


To be fair the Portuguese guy was only arrested because some 'jeet on twitter made a post warning the Portuguese police about a potential mosque shooting threat and it got like 300 likes


also they tagged the accounts of the police alot in the post


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>>>492414 (OP) (You)
>He stated which mosque it was going to be and said he didn't live far, are you braindead? The KGB should hire you for your critical thinking skills


Anyone got that Post?


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Where's Mcveigh when you need him…


It's still up let me just find it in a sec


shieeet the account who posted it privated itself




Why are jannies trying to cover this up? Why are the words fed ho**pot blocked?


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>yeah trust me it's only because someone posted in on xitter, we definitely don't lurk the sharty

Oh man too bad you can't find it so noone will see that the jeet called his screenshot a "4chan post" which would make it impossible for the feds to find the original post unless they knew about the sharty themselves


I think this is kinda my fault for archiving the thread and the twirtwr post on the wayback


I've always wanted to wear a full suit of 100kg armor steel and storm a government building, slaughtering everyone inside while blasting music lol.


this post glows in the dark jannies leak this ip


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>I've always wanted to wear a full suit of 100kg armor steel and storm a government building, slaughtering everyone inside while blasting music lol.


Why feds so obsessed with me


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Kill glowies. Behead glowies. Roundhouse kick law enforcement into the concrete. Slam dunk an officers baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Feds. Send pajeet to Defecate in a glowie's office. Launch glowies into sol invictus. Stir glowies in a sartagine. Toss glowies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a glowie's cabinet. Judo throw glowies into a meatgrinder. Twist glowies heads off. . Karate chop glowies in half. Curb stomp the pregnant wives of glowies. Trap glowies in quicksand. Crush glowies under an elephant. Roast glowies on a gridiron. Eat glowies. Dissect glowies. Exterminate glowies in the colosseum. Stomp glowie skulls with steel toed tabernii. Cremate glowies in the kiln. Lobotomize glowies. Mandatory damnatio memoriae for glowies. Grind a glowies babies in a mortar. Drown glowies in liquid gold. Incinderate glowies with greek fire. Kick old glowies off a cliff. Feed glowies to the lions. Slice glowies with a gladius.


Well i'm not denying that glowniggers don't use this site but that they probably would care that much to the point of arresting him if it wasn't for said post since they have accounts there

>Oh man too bad you can't find it so noone will see that the jeet called his screenshot a "4chan post" which would make it impossible for the feds to find the original post unless they knew about the sharty themselves

It's not my fault this fucking retard decided to private xhis account today since last day I checked and it was up


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>it's le conspiracy theory you crazy chud!!!!!!! you think the feds would monitor potential domestic terrorists on a site where potential domestic terrorists are likely to reside??? you're insane go touch some grass!!!!!!!!!!!


<moved to /x/


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>Moved to >>>/x/5573.


Holy keyed this image goes hard with inverted colors


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The glowniggers watching this thread will never be white


Nigger i'm saying they do monitor the site that is basically a given it's just they prob don't waste their resources with every single retarded 14 year old who says their are going to shoot up their school on 4cuck or the sharty for that matter


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Well, moving the thread to a dead board is way smarter than nuking it. Too bad the retard glowie intern didn't think of this the first time. Let it be known to everyone that c0e7 ## Mod is a confirmed bioluminescent melanin-enriched gentleman.


Yes they do. Every threat of a terrorist act is treated seriously. Especially if you're an amerimutt. People have had the fbi or the secret service visit them over obvious jokes. If you unambiguously and non-humorously threaten to shoot up your school you WILL get a visit from glowniggers.


Pissing on their graves is keyed or something https://www.fbi.gov/history/wall-of-honor

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