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I feel like in the past few years (2018 or 19 and on) that people have been having more family issues. It seems like more and more people are cutting family members out of their lives because of some stupid shit to "become their true self". I've especially seen this with middle-aged women. I think this has something to do with social media and pushing the "internalized trauma autism masking" niggerslop shit that I've seen. I know things like this have always been happening but I've noticed more of it. I've even noticed it in my own family. Is there an actual reason for this or am I just retarded.
I've also noticed that people seem like they're trying to get diagnosed with autism or ADHD and occasionally OCD to use as leverage against their family. I am getting extremely concerned about this and I don't want it tearing my family apart. Since the reason why blacks commit so many crimes is broken family structures, I am worrying that this will happen to whites as well. You can post reasons for this/reasons why I'm retarded. Thank you.


>yoo vvil have a family
antifamilyGODS won


probably a glowie PSYOP

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