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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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glowies control the internet, ai controls the internet. There is a conspiracy, many big popular people are pedophiles. so many infact that a celebrity you like, right now is a hidden pedophile. The internet is the mind controller cia agents dreamed of, The internet is the product seller big businesses dreamed of. 2025 solar flares is the only chance we have to be saved. 4chan is not a free speech safe haven, 4chan has been on the same level as reddit for many years. 4chan hasn't done shit since 2016. No matter what you do, aslong as you have a computer at your hands, the internet will always be tracking what you do.The fbi killed martin luther king. Real life is gemmy.


everybody knows this


yes, it is basic redpills for the newiest newGODS


All of this is true, especially considering the fact that 4chan is a mind-rotting CIA honeypot, 4chan is dead.

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